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Brazilian mayoral candidate assaults opponent with chair during debate

Mayoral candidate José Luiz Datena (left) struck his opponent Pablo Marçal (right) with a chair during a tense debate.

In a shocking incident during a live debate, Brazilian mayoral candidate José Luiz Datena violently attacked his rival Pablo Marçal with a chair. The confrontation took place on Sunday and was broadcast on TV Cultura, gaining widespread attention from media outlets including CNN, NBC, and The Washington Post.

Datena, who is 67 and a well-known news anchor, targeted his opponent, 37-year-old Marçal, during a heated exchange while they campaigned to become the next mayor of São Paulo, one of the largest cities in the world.

According to reports, the conflict erupted when Marçal brought up past sexual harassment allegations against Datena that had been dismissed several years ago. Datena expressed his dissatisfaction with Marçal’s choice of topic, stating that the case had been archived without any police investigation due to lack of evidence.

“He came with a case that was archived, that was not even investigated by the police,” Datena explained. “Something from 11 years ago that caused a very serious situation within my family,” he added, per CNN.

The hostility had been brewing from a previous debate where Datena had threatened to strike Marçal. The situation escalated when Marçal challenged Datena, claiming he wasn’t bold enough to act on his threats. In that moment, Datena crossed the line, grabbing a chair and swinging it towards Marçal.

Although Datena acknowledged losing his temper, he did not express regret for his actions. “I made a mistake, but I don’t regret it in any way,” he stated, according to reports from The New York Times.

After the attack, Marçal was rushed to Sírio Libanês Hospital for medical evaluations. Reports on the severity of his injuries vary; CNN mentioned he was being treated for a possible fracture to the chest and trauma to both his wrist and chest, while local media suggested he had sustained a fractured rib and a dislocated finger.

Marçal took to Instagram to voice his thoughts on the violent encounter, comparing it to an assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump. “Why all this hate?” he questioned in his post, accompanying it with a photo from the debate.

Representatives for Marçal confirmed they intend to pursue legal action against Datena following the incident. “Pablo Marçal was cowardly attacked by José Luiz Datena, who hit him in the ribs with an iron chair,” a spokesperson declared.

As for the implications of this incident on the election, its impact remains uncertain at this stage. While Datena is currently polling fifth, Marçal stands in third place, trailing behind candidates Ricardo Nunes and Guilherme Boulos.

Experts suggest that this dramatic episode could influence the public’s perception of Marçal. “Most voters had no idea he was a candidate, and now everyone is talking about him. He could grow in the polls,” political analyst Andre Cesar remarked. “It was good theater, aimed to help a lagging campaign,” he added, highlighting the potential strategic aspect of the confrontation.

As of now, both candidates have not publicly responded to requests for further comments regarding this incident.

Source: CNN, NBC, The Washington Post