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Brett Favre Hopes ‘Concussed’ Documentary Highlights NFL Head Trauma

Brett Favre‘s new doc, “Concussed,” is set to be released Tuesday, shining a spotlight on the journey of former player Tyler Sash alongside the football legend. The film, which the retired Packers great served as an Executive Producer on, aims to highlight the devastating effects of head trauma in the NFL.

Favre, now 54, has long advocated for player safety. Known for his toughness on the field, Favre’s documentary additionally focuses on the tragic story of Sash, the ex-New York Giants safety who passed away in 2015 due to a drug overdose, just two years after being released by the Giants.

It was later revealed that Sash had stage 2 Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), a brain condition caused by repeated head trauma.

Favre, who endured countless hits over his 20-season NFL career, told TMZ Sports that he hopes the documentary will continue to raise awareness about CTE. “[Tyler] was drafted by the Giants and within a couple of years, had a major concussion early on and just went berserk,” Favre shared. “[He] went back home and went berserk.”

Favre emphasized that the severity of the concussion isn’t always the determining factor in the impact on one’s life. “This is the thing I try to tell people — it doesn’t matter if you’ve had 20 major concussions or one concussion, period. The one concussion can be the one that destroys your whole life and the guy with 20 major concussions may seemingly have a pleasant life.”

Surprisingly, Favre does not solely blame the NFL. He even praised the league for its efforts to enhance player safety through new rules and helmet upgrades but noted that more needs to be done. “They need to gear their money and energy to finding a solution, a treatment,” he stated.

Favre also discussed the toll that his celebrated career took on his body, injuries that continue to have repercussions in his life today.

Catch the new documentary featuring Favre, Sash’s parents, and more on Apple TV.

Source: TMZ Sports