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Britney Spears’ Sons Forgive Grandfather Jamie, Admit They Miss Him

Britney Spears’ sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, seem to have moved past previous conflicts with their grandfather, Jamie Spears. Kevin Federline’s attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, recently shared that the boys miss their grandfather and have forgiven him for past issues.

In 2019, Jamie was accused of a physical altercation with Sean Preston, who was 13 at the time. Jamie allegedly broke down a door to reach Sean during a fight and grabbed him, but he did not leave any visible bruises on the teenager.

The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office decided not to criminally charge Jamie following the incident. However, a restraining order was put in place to protect the children. Kaplan clarified that Kevin Federline’s intent was not to see Jamie prosecuted but to ensure the safety of his children through protective measures.

Now, five years later, the restraining order has expired naturally, according to Kaplan. Thus, there are no longer any restrictions preventing Jamie and his grandsons from communicating with each other. Sean Preston, 18, and Jayden James, 17, have been speaking with Jamie, indicating a reinstated relationship.

A report from TMZ suggested the boys are planning to visit their grandfather in Louisiana. While Kaplan couldn’t confirm these plans, he noted that Kevin Federline supports the reconciliation and wouldn’t oppose such a visit.

The reasons behind this familial reconciliation remain uncertain. One factor could be Jamie’s health issues. In November 2023, he had his leg amputated due to a severe infection following a knee replacement, resulting in him becoming wheelchair-bound.

Multiple sources have previously mentioned that Britney Spears, 42, was not keen on reconciliation with her father despite his deteriorating health. However, in December 2023, Britney posted a series of throwback photos with her father on social media, which some interpreted as an olive branch.

Federline has expressed support for Jamie’s involvement in his sons’ lives if that is what the boys want. He stated in a 2022 interview with ITV, “I would absolutely welcome Jamie Spears back in the boys’ lives. Especially if that’s what the boys wanted.”

It’s worth mentioning that Sean Preston and Jayden James have also been working on improving their relationship with their mother. They were reportedly estranged from Britney for some time but reconnected with her in August last year. Kaplan confirmed that the boys spoke with Britney on Mother’s Day, calling it a “step in the right direction,” although he acknowledged that rebuilding their relationship would take more than just a phone call.

Britney Spears’ representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment regarding her sons’ communication with Jamie. The pop star has remained quiet about her sons’ relationship with her father.

While the road to familial harmony may still have its challenges, the fact that Sean Preston and Jayden James are mending ties with their grandfather is a significant development that might pave the way for a more united family moving forward.

Source: Page Six