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Britney Spears’ Sons Plan to Visit Jamie Spears After Years Apart

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Britney Spears may not be interested in a reunion with her father, Jamie Spears, but her two teenage sons, Sean Preston and Jayden, are planning a visit to their grandfather after being apart for years.

Sources with direct knowledge reveal that Britney and Kevin Federline’s sons have recently discussed making a trip to see their grandfather, who resides in Louisiana.

We’re told the boys keep in touch with Jamie frequently and have phone calls with him at least once every two weeks. However, it’s been years since Sean Preston and Jayden have actually seen Jamie in person.

In addition to Jamie, the boys also want to visit other relatives down in Louisiana. To be clear, these are early discussions, and there is no exact timetable for when the trip will take place.

Jamie was once at odds with Kevin, Sean Preston, and Jayden. In 2019, Jamie was hit with a restraining order after a troubling incident with Sean Preston. However, sources say Kevin and Jamie now have a good relationship, and they both want what’s best for the boys.

We’re told Kevin and the boys made a point to show Jamie some love after learning about his serious medical issues in 2023, which led to a massive infection and the amputation of his leg.

It’s unclear if Britney is aware of her sons’ plans. The visit may not sit well with Britney, who has been very vocal about her estrangement from Jamie.

After Britney’s very public breakdown in 2007, Jamie took control of his daughter’s life by becoming her conservator. While the conservatorship was initially meant to be temporary, it lasted for around 13 years before wrapping up in November 2021.

Britney has been very critical of how Jamie handled her conservatorship, accusing him of abuse and mistreatment. They waged a legal battle over it, and in the end, they settled. Jamie didn’t pay Britney any money, but she ended up covering his $2 million legal bill.

Source: TMZ