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Britney Spears Teases Secret Role in a “Fictional Musical” Amid Biopic Rumors

Shock of surprise, Grammy award-winning singer Britney Spears confides about a new movie project that has generated a lot of enthusiasm. But here’s the stinger – it isn’t the big-budget brilliant biopic of her life based on the hit book, The Woman in Me.

On August 30th, the 42-year-old superstar decided to post a message on some of her social media accounts which left fans guessing. “I may be working on a project which is not a biographical story but a musical film wherein I get to portray an extremely intelligent character!” Spears added on her Instagram with a sketch of a girl over two cats. And if that was not enough to ignite the internet, she responded, “It’s great to be in such good company like Jon Chu!!!”

It comes after speculation that actress Emma Roberts has expressed interest in the role of Spears in the biopic based on The Woman in Me, revealing the singer’s rise to stardom, her discrete relationship with Justin Timberlake, and the years of legal oppression she went through. According to the latest buzz, it is Universal Pictures that has acquired the rights to develop the memoir as a movie which will be directed by Wicked’s Jon M. Chu and will be produced by Marc Platt.

Spears’ latest image has only served to feed the flames in some way. Before that, in August, she tweeted on X (formerly Twitter) that she had been filming a “top secret” project with Platt. Finally, Spears gained her fans’ attention when she announced that she has been secretly collaborating with #MarcPlatt; the director who has been crafting her favorite movies.

The 33-year-old Emma Roberts, however, in her recent interview with Cosmopolitan conveyed her excitement about the idea of portraying Spears on the big screen. The Space Cadet actress said she was delighted when Spears’ personal assistant, Felicia Culotta, said she would be ideal to portray the singer. Roberts recalled interest in Britney Spears and her desire to be like the singer, saying, “It’s probably my true dream to play Britney Spears.”

While fans eagerly await more details on both the biopic and Spears’ mysterious “fictional musical” project, one thing is clear: Britney Spears has not run out of the ability to shock her fans. While the pop princess is marching forward to reclaim her place, the entire world stands by and waits with bated breath and anticipation.

Source: CNN Entertainment, Cosmopolitan