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Brittany Cartwright Throws Shade at Jax Taylor from Mental Facility

Brittany Cartwright recently took a subtle jab at her husband, Jax Taylor, while he is at a mental health facility. Fans quickly caught on that Brittany was referring to Jax, as there was no one else it could be about. Since their relationship began, fans have been urging Brittany to leave Jax, branding her as the fan favorite and Jax as somewhat of a villain on reality TV.

Jax Taylor has made the surprising decision to check himself into a mental health facility. This move shocked fans, as Jax had previously been resistant to the idea of therapy, even when Brittany suggested it. However, it appears Jax has had a change of heart and is looking to improve himself.

“Jax has always been candid about his mental health struggles, especially during the past few months on his podcast. He has made the decision to seek in-patient treatment. This is a particularly sensitive time for him and his family. They ask for privacy and respect until he is ready to speak more on this matter,” an insider shared.

Meanwhile, Brittany took to Instagram to share a post that seemed to throw shade at Jax. The post featured two pictures, with text reading “with a narcissist” over one image and “after a narcissist” over the other, clearly hinting at Jax. In a seemingly related post, Jax also shared his own thoughts, mentioning a desire to break the stereotype of men not showing their feelings. He emphasized that he wanted to change this mindset for his son.

“I’ve believed this my entire life, and this cycle is going to stop NOW… I will teach my son it’s okay, it’s not weakness but strength to ask for help,” Jax wrote.

Brittany seems to be thriving since distancing herself from Jax. She appears healthier, happier, and more radiant than ever. Fans largely believe it would be best for the couple to remain apart and focus on their individual paths. While Jax is committed to improving for the sake of his son, it’s crucial he also wants to change for his own well-being.

It’s uncertain whether Brittany is open to reconciling their marriage, especially given her recent posts. However, should Jax emerge from treatment a changed man, there might be a possibility. Fans, nonetheless, are skeptical and think Brittany should prioritize her own mental and emotional health. They feel Jax has been detrimental to her well-being, and many support her moving on from the relationship.

What are your thoughts on Brittany’s subtle dig at Jax and her calling him a “narcissist”? Do you agree with her stance? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: TV Shows Ace