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Brooke Shields’ Daughter Announces Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

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Brooke Shields’ daughter is opening up about her health challenges, revealing she has been dealing with diabetes for several years, starting from her high school days.

Rowan Henchy, Brooke’s 21-year-old daughter with director Chris Henchy, discussed her condition with People in an article published on Saturday. Rowan shared that she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during her freshman year of high school.

Rowan explained that she initially suspected something was wrong when she experienced rapid weight loss despite significantly increasing her food intake. Coupled with blurred vision, frequent bathroom trips, and a severe toe infection, she knew these were signs that something was seriously amiss.

The diabetes diagnosis, combined with the challenges of transitioning schools, added an extra layer of difficulty for Rowan. She found herself struggling with depression as she adjusted to her new reality, all while not having many friends around for support.

Brooke believes that Rowan’s health condition forced her to grow up quickly, due to the constant need to monitor her glucose levels and administer insulin injections, pushing her into a maturity beyond her years.

Brooke is also raising awareness about type 1 diabetes by starring in an upcoming coming-of-age film, “Quarter,” which focuses on a girl living with the condition.

Together, Rowan and Brooke are facing the diagnosis head-on, demonstrating resilience and determination in dealing with this health challenge.

Source: Getty Images, People