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Bunnie XO Kisses Jelly Roll & Does Jennifer Coolidge Impression on July 4th

Bunnie XO and Jelly Roll had a fantastic time celebrating America’s birthday this year. On Thursday, July 4, the podcaster shared a video on TikTok of their lively Independence Day spent with the country star and their family. The video featured swimming, grilling, and an array of fireworks.

Jelly launches the video by greeting Bunnie’s followers, smiling and waving at the camera. “Hi everybody,” he says. “Happy Fourth of July!”

The video transitions to show the couple enjoying poolside activities with what looks like their extended family, including their pet dogs. The group swims and enjoys grilled food until sunset, culminating in a vibrant fireworks display after nightfall.

In the darkness, the Dumb Blonde host affectionately kisses her husband’s cheek before Jelly turns to kiss her on the lips. At the end of the video, Bunnie impresses with a surprisingly accurate Jennifer Coolidge impersonation, quoting a well-known line from Legally Blonde 2: “You look like the Fourth of July. It makes me want a hot dog real bad.”

“My heart is full,” Bunnie captioned the video, with Jelly echoing in the comments, “Love this family.”

The Fourth of July festivities come at an exciting juncture for the couple, who recently embarked on their IVF journey. Last month, Bunnie shared a video of Jelly discussing their aspirations to become parents together on the Bussin’ With the Boys podcast. She wrote, “We had planned on doing this privately but decided our IVF journey needed to be shared because we’ve always been so open.”

“And with all odds stacked against us, it’s already been hard, and we have only just begun,” the mogul added. “We have been meeting with IVF doctors and exploring all our options to add to our family.”

Watch Bunnie’s TikTok video below.

Source: Particle News