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Can I Please Be Meghan Markle?

Casting director Robert Sterne has been with Netflix’s hit drama “The Crown” for all six seasons. Even though the show has concluded, he still receives inquiries about acting opportunities. “I still get letters saying, ‘Please, can I be Meghan Markle?’” he shares. “And I think, ‘Well, the moment’s gone.’”

While the acclaimed program has just concluded, the journey began nine years ago for Sterne. “It started with us sitting around a table talking about it, and now here we are,” says the U.K.-based casting director who worked closely with series creator Peter Morgan throughout. “We discussed how it was going to work, the idea of casting it again every two years. I think it was better than using ever-increasing layers of makeup. It was, in many ways, an experiment.”

This experiment has certainly paid off. In its six seasons, “The Crown” has won 21 Emmys and finds itself nominated for another 19 this year. Among these nominations are six for cast members and one for Sterne himself in the casting for a drama category.

Sterne, who has also cast notable projects like “Game of Thrones” and “Chernobyl,” is known for discovering exciting new faces in addition to hiring established actors. Whether in person or on Zoom, he feels it’s his job to help actors take this creative journey. “It’s their time, their space, and we need to make sure they give their best,” he emphasizes.

Reflecting on the completion of “The Crown,” Sterne expresses great satisfaction. “From the start, the plan was to do six seasons, and we got to do that. We’ve found some amazing actors, bringing their A-game. It’s exciting to see the younger actors fly, and now you see their names on the side of a bus, and you cheer. It’s great,” he shares.

Sterne admits he was initially nervous about changing casts since the first group of actors was so fantastic. But he thinks changing it up every two years has been an interesting way of telling these characters’ lives. “People do become different at different stages of their lives,” he notes.

The show featured a good mix of recognizable actors and new faces like Emma Corrin and Claire Foy. When asked if he had free rein in casting, Sterne explains it was about finding the most exciting person for each role. Claire Foy, who played Anne Boleyn in “Wolf Hall,” was singled out for her exceptional performance. “Claire had the most difficult job of everybody because she had to define the acting tone of the whole endeavor, and she did it brilliantly,” Sterne asserts.

Collaborating with Peter Morgan was described as a positive experience by Sterne. “The best thing for a casting person is to have good, clear lines of communication with writers and directors. Peter is incredibly kind, articulate, and rigorous in his thinking. He provides a lot of information about the characters and their roles in the story,” he says.

Casting roles for the later seasons posed challenges. “For some reason, we struggled to find Andrew Morton, Diana’s biographer. We eventually found Andrew Steele in Northern Ireland, and he was amazing. Finding unknown teenagers like William, Kate, and Harry was also a challenge,” Sterne recounts.

Casting the younger generation of royals involved a wide search. They looked at acting agencies, drama groups around the country, and social media. Meg Bellamy, who plays Kate, was working at a Legoland in Windsor when she saw the casting call. “We were determined to keep it completely open and see everyone,” Sterne states.

Sterne offers simple advice for actors sending in audition tapes. “We want to be able to see and hear you clearly, without any distractions in the background. You’re not looking for a finished product; you’re looking for a spark of something, a connection,” he explains. He stresses the importance of going with one’s instincts rather than trying to meet perceived expectations.

He recalls casting Erin Doherty as Princess Anne, who had extensively watched YouTube videos and said, “I know this woman. I know how to do this.” Erin’s connection with the character was evident.

Sterne acknowledges that he remembers actors who audition for him, even if not immediately cast. One notable instance was Elizabeth Debicki, who ultimately played Princess Diana. “She came in for a different part early on. But it was clear to all of us, ‘We’ve got to wait because there is something coming down the road.’ And that worked out well,” he concludes.

Source: Variety