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Can You Name a More Iconic Duo Than George Clooney and Brad Pitt in a Classy Thriller?

Jon Watts rediscovers his filmmaking passion with the classic comic thriller “Wolfs,” starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt as lone-working fixers who find themselves on the same messy job. With these “Ocean’s Eleven” stars back on screen together, viewers can expect witty repartee and suave charm in a lean, cool, and quick-paced comedy.

Jack (Clooney) and Nick (Pitt) have their late-night New York adventure when a job turns complex. The person they thought dead, dubbed “kid” in the credits and played by Austin Abrams, is not as lifeless as the district attorney (Amy Ryan) assumed. Watts, who recently directed Sony’s “Spider-Man,” brings a classy touch to this film.

A sequel to this enjoyable studio comedy is already in the making, which is no surprise. While “Wolfs” is light, it’s confidently told, unpredictable, and features strong performances by Clooney and Pitt, nearly upstaged by Abrams. Although it’s not an Oscar contender, it’s smart entertainment for adults.

Amy Ryan plays a visibly stressed-out district attorney, Margaret, who seeks help from a fixer voiced by Frances McDormand. Jack (Clooney) arrives to clean up her mess when a one-night stand with a kid (Abrams) becomes problematic. Nick also shows up, hired by the same boss, leading to a comic scenario as they both work on solving the problem.

As they deal with the situation, they discover the kid may have overdosed on heroin found in the room. Chaotic scenes follow as the barely-alive kid is found in a trunk, and the trio must return the heroin to its owner. Abrams delivers a breathless rant with great comic timing, while Jack and Nick, despite their mutual disdain, chase the kid through the Lower East Side.

The film’s cinematography by Larkin Seiple and production design by Jade Healy capture nighttime New York and Brighton Beach, where a final scene leaves the fate of the characters ambiguous. However, with a sequel confirmed, it’s clear their story continues. “Wolfs” isn’t groundbreaking but is an entertaining film featuring Hollywood’s biggest stars.

Watching Clooney and Pitt feign hatred offers a solid movie experience. The film takes few risks but ensures minimal chances to fail. A laugh-out-loud subway scene near the end almost turns sentimental, but Watts cleverly avoids this, staying true to the film’s comic roots. The actors deliver superb performances effortlessly, making “Wolfs” a delightful watch.

Grade: B

“Wolfs” world premiered at the 2024 Venice Film Festival. It will premiere in theaters for one week starting September 20 before streaming on Apple TV+ September 27.

Source: Venice Film Festival, Apple TV+