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Cara Delevingne: House Fire Could’ve Led to Downfall Without Sobriety

Cara Delevingne has opened up about the devastating fire that destroyed her home, sharing that although it was a terrible event, it would have been much harder to handle if she were still drinking and using drugs.

The actress discussed the incident in an interview with the Times of London published on Sunday. She attributed her ability to cope with the disaster to her sobriety, noting that it helped her avoid a deeper emotional crisis.

“It sucks but everyone was safe and, like anything, if I’d not been sober I would still be reeling over that. It would still affect me really deeply,” Cara remarked.

While saddened by the loss, Delevingne highlighted that she works through her feelings instead of letting them hold her back. This approach has helped her to move forward, even in the face of such significant loss.

The fire that razed Cara’s Los Angeles-area home occurred in March. Fortunately, everyone, including her pets, managed to escape unscathed.

Cara’s parents suggested that a rogue power line might have been the cause of the blaze. However, the Los Angeles Fire Department’s thorough investigation concluded with the cause being labeled as “undetermined.”

Instagram / @caradelevingne

Despite the complete destruction of her home, Delevingne has no plans to return to the UK. She expressed her love for the United States and her intention to remain there.

Cara seems to have adopted a positive outlook on life, even when faced with some of its greatest challenges.

Source: Times of London