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Cards Against Humanity Sues Elon Musk for $15 Million Over Trespassing

The creators of the well-known party game Cards Against Humanity are taking legal action against SpaceX, headed by Elon Musk, for allegedly trespassing on and causing damage to a piece of vacant land they own in Texas.

This week, a lawsuit was filed in a Texas court where Cards Against Humanity claims that SpaceX has treated their property, situated in Cameron County, as if it were its own for a minimum of six months.

The lawsuit details that SpaceX, which had previously acquired surrounding plots, has been placing construction materials, including gravel, and various debris onto the land without obtaining the necessary permissions.

As of now, SpaceX has not provided a response to requests for comments regarding the lawsuit.

Cards Against Humanity has filed a lawsuit against SpaceX for $15 million, claiming trespass and damage to their property. (AP)

Cards Against Humanity, based in Chicago, acquired the vacant land in 2017. The purchase was part of a publicity stunt aimed at opposing former President Donald Trump’s plan to construct a border wall.

The initiative reportedly saw about 150,000 individuals each contribute $15 to help fund the acquisition of the land.

According to the company, the land has been preserved in its natural condition over the years. Moreover, they assert that the property was marked with a “no trespassing” sign to deter unauthorized access.

In their lawsuit, Cards Against Humanity is seeking $15 million in damages. They contend that the invasion of their property has resulted in a loss of vegetation, among other grievances.

Source: AP