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Carla Baker Wins This Week’s Caught in the Act Award

Minton Moore is one of the many lives touched by Carla Baker, whose nomination letter revealed the depth of her impact on her community. Carla has served as an educator in Bossier Parish for decades, extending her love and dedication to children beyond the classroom and into the church’s children’s ministry.

Ms. Carla’s unwavering commitment and love have earned her this week’s Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award. Here’s a glimpse into why she is so deserving:

There are not enough positive words to describe Carla. She has been a blessing to the Haughton community for many years. Before I met her at a church social in 2009, she had already retired from being an elementary school teacher. For years, she represented Bossier Parish schools wonderfully and was deeply involved in the children’s ministry at church, volunteering at VBS and teaching Sunday school. Being taught or led by her meant you would be loved, cared for, and encouraged to do big things!

During these busy years, Carla discovered she had breast cancer. She fought and defeated the illness, refusing to let it deter her from continuing to help and care for others. Her health challenges only made her stronger for the great tasks ahead. Did I mention she raised five girls during this time as well? That is a tough, but rewarding job in itself.

When I met her, she instantly became like a second mom to me and a significant part of my kids’ lives. She’s a mentor, prayer warrior, and great friend! She was there when I announced my pregnancy with my daughter—a memory I’ll always cherish. She has supported me through the good, the bad, and the ugly. She has never missed the birth of my kids, birthday parties, or school events. She has babysat, cooked meals for us, but most importantly, she listened and provided wise advice when I needed it most.

She has prayed over us more times than I can count. Recently, she has had the opportunity to help raise her great-grandson and has been doing an outstanding job! Even though her birthday is approaching, I feel like chasing a toddler has kept her young! Considering all she has been through, she epitomizes strength, selflessness, and faithfulness. That is why she deserves this recognition, and she definitely deserves a night out more than anyone I know! She is loved, respected, and adored! She is our Auntie Carla.

Carla Baker, for being ‘Caught in the Act’, John and the team at the Magnolia Pit are giving you a $50 gift certificate to enjoy a wonderful meal!

Listen to our call to Carla, informing her of being this week’s recipient of the Caught In The Act Award.

Source: Townsquare Media