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Carly Pearce Opens Up About Removing Heckler from Her Show

Photo: Getty Images

Carly Pearce recently talked about removing a concertgoer from one of her shows due to heckling.

Pearce spoke with iHeartCountry’s Ashley Morrison of US 103.5 in Tampa Bay, Florida, sharing, “I guess people are learning a new side of me… If somebody’s going to show disrespect at my show, get out.”

She explained, “So many people think that they’re not gonna be reprimanded for their actions,” including spreading hate in her DMs on Instagram, social media, or directly to her. “He hit me in a moment where my ‘Kentucky’ came out full-force, and I just, I’m so tired of being afraid of standing up for myself.”

Morrison posted a snippet of the interview on Instagram, noting she has known the hummingbird artist since 2017 and appreciates her candidness. Pearce joined Morrison on a call from L.A., also discussing her upcoming show in Tampa as part of her headlining world tour in 2024/2025.

Videos circulated on social media after Pearce demanded a concertgoer be removed from her show for heckling at WE Fest in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Though it wasn’t clear what the person said, Pearce can be heard saying, “Somebody get him out of here. I do not want him at my show. Get out of my show. If you’re gonna be an a**hole, then you’re gonna have to say it to me and get the f*** out of my show.”

The audience applauded Pearce’s response as the heckler was removed from the venue. The Grammy winner later addressed the incident on stage: “I don’t care if it’s to me. I don’t care if it’s to somebody sitting next to you. I don’t care if it’s on the internet. I don’t care if it’s texting. Words hurt. That hurt me. That was not nice, and I’m just here to tell you guys be kind. Do not say mean things to people just to be mean. Don’t think that there aren’t consequences for it. It is not kind. It is not right, and I do not believe that he should have been at my show if he’s gonna speak to me like that. …That is the first time I have sent somebody out of one of my shows, but if somebody’s gonna be that mean and disrespect me, you are not welcome.”

Source: Getty Images, iHeartCountry, US 103.5