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Catherine Giudici Criticized For Accusing Sean Lowe Of Cheating

It’s not often that Catherine Giudici receives criticism from fans, but that’s exactly what happened when she accused Sean Lowe of infidelity. Here are all the details.

The couple, Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici, are favorites among Bachelor Nation fans. Sean is known for his quirky sense of humor and trolling posts, often targeting their kids, which sometimes attracts pushback.

A man with blond hair sitting next to a woman with long brown hair.
Catherine Giudici and Sean Lowe/Credit: YouTube

This time, however, it was Catherine herself who stirred controversy by posting a video accusing Sean of cheating on her…sort of. On her Instagram, she shared a video of herself fake crying, explaining that Sean had slept with another woman and she’d been crying all day.

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

Sean chimed in off-camera, clarifying that it was just a dream. But for Catherine Giudici Lowe, it felt very real.

While some followers related to the experience of dreaming about a partner’s infidelity, the post triggered significant backlash that Catherine normally avoids.

Sample comments included:

  • I don’t get the purpose of this post. Is it mocking people who overreact about things that didn’t happen? Is it about mental illnesses? I genuinely don’t understand if it’s for real or a joke.
  • Why in the heck would you tape yourself doing this? Ridiculous
  • Very odd video to post..
  • Who does this!? You need professional help
  • Absolutely the dumbest post
  • I love you Catherine, I don’t love this.
  • Grow up ridiculous

For the most part, Catherine ignored the negative comments but did respond to one saying she should be embarrassed. She clarified her reason for sharing the video.

I’m not sure I agree with you. I literally had a dream about my husband cheating on me, was mad at him for half the day and decided to laugh at myself because it’s a ridiculous thing that a lot of people seem to also experience (in their dreams) and chose to film my ridiculous reaction. As a joke. Have a great night!

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

Several followers quickly defended her under comments criticizing the post.

Do you think her video was funny? Have you ever had a dream that your partner was cheating on you? Share your reactions in the comments.
