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Chaotic Video: Woman Hit by Truck While Street Performer Sings in New Orleans

God bless New Orleans. If you’ve been to NOLA, you likely have strong feelings about it one way or the other. It’s either the greatest city in the world, or it’s a place you’d prefer never to visit again. Personally, having lived there, I think there’s nowhere better. The food, the music, the culture, the energy—it’s all unparalleled. Sure, there’s rampant crime, and basic services like electricity, water, and roads barely function. Government corruption is another issue, but that’s not exclusive to New Orleans. The summer heat is downright oppressive. Yet despite its problems, the Big Easy is unbeatable. The spirit of the city is unlike anywhere else.

A chaotic video recently captured the essence of New Orleans perfectly. It features a street performer named Maurice, known for his renditions near the bustling Bourbon Street. On this particular occasion, Maurice was singing Hank Williams Jr.’s “Family Tradition.” Maurice has also performed alongside Morgan Wallen and appeared on a recent season of “American Idol,” making him one of my favorite street performers in the city.

While Maurice was performing, he tried to warn the crowd about an oncoming truck: “Watch out for that truck.” Unfortunately, the warning came too late. Though the exact sequence of events isn’t clear, the truck hit a woman in pink leggings, knocking her down and seemingly running over her leg before coming to a stop.

The scene was pure chaos. A man with a Hand Grenade drink continued dancing, Maurice switched off his backing track, and the crowd barely paused as they surveyed the scene. The driver of the truck got out to check on the woman, who was being tended to by bystanders. It was a typical night in New Orleans, where chaos seems to be the norm.

Maurice captured the moment succinctly: “Gah damn.”

Source: Particle News