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Charlamagne Tha God: Kamala Harris Should ‘Do More Interviews’

Charlamagne tha God has expressed that President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, along with Vice President Kamala Harris stepping up as the lead candidate, has invigorated many within the Democratic Party more than they have felt in quite some time.

In an interview on “This Week,” Charlamagne referred to the current Democratic ticket as having a significant presence, saying, “Oh, there’s definitely a lot of main character energy on the Democratic ticket. We know who Kamala Harris is. Like she has super main character energy.”

Reflecting on previous discussions, he noted that back in February, he was critical of Biden’s candidacy, labeling it “uninspiring” and pushing for him to exit the race. Now, he indicates that voter enthusiasm appears to be on the rise. However, he cautioned the Democrats, stating, “if I’m the Democrats, I’m not spiking the football yet.” He emphasized that although there is increased engagement, the Democratic Party still has work to do. “The job is not done,” he said. “You know, you still have to bring this thing home in November.”

Since Biden’s departure from the race three weeks ago, Harris’s campaign has swiftly gained momentum. Nevertheless, she faces scrutiny for not yet conducting a formal press conference or participating in interviews with both local and national media. Charlamagne commented, “She does need to do more interviews,” acknowledging the importance of consistent communication with the public.

Co-anchor Jonathan Karl highlighted that it was quite unusual not to see Harris engaging with the press at this critical juncture, to which Charlamagne replied, “I mean, it’s the bottom of the ninth inning, right? Like, I feel like she should be any and everywhere, you know, having these conversations.”

Charlamagne suggested that Harris could benefit from adopting some of the strategies used by former President Donald Trump. He noted, “He’s always calling into conservative talk radio, which is one of my biggest issues with the Democratic Party. They don’t use the media that supports them the way the right uses the media that supports them.”

The conversation took a sharp turn when discussing Trump’s controversial comments regarding Harris’s race during an interview at the National Association of Black Journalists annual convention. Charlamagne expressed that he did not think she needed to respond to Trump’s remarks about her “just turning Black,” stating, “I don’t even think that she should have responded. I don’t think she should have dignified that with a response.”

Harris has also been under fire for her recent announcement of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, with some Republicans labeling her a “DEI hire.” Charlamagne countered this notion by asserting that if anyone on the Harris-Walz ticket qualifies as such, it is not Harris, who has made history as the first Black woman and Asian American nominated by a major party, and only the second woman ever to lead a ticket.

He articulated, “We knew she needed a DEI hire. She needed a white male to make America comfortable. It is what it is. No need for us to, you know, act crazy about it. We know what it is.” His comments reflect a broader discussion about representation and the perceived motives behind political appointments in the current landscape.

The current political climate indicates that while there is newfound energy within the Democratic base, ongoing engagement and effective communication will be crucial for success in the upcoming election. Harris’s campaign will need to overcome challenges to ensure the support is sustained as they head towards November.

Source: ABC News