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Charlie Sheen’s Twin Sons Make Rare Appearance at Mom’s Birthday Bash

Charlie Sheen, the famous actor known for his turbulent personal life, is the father of 15-year-old twin boys Bob and Max. These boys usually remain out of the public eye but recently made an exception. On August 15, they appeared to celebrate a significant event: their mother, Brooke Mueller’s birthday.

Charlie Sheen has a history of multiple marriages. His first was to Donna Peele, which lasted from 1996 to 1997. He then married actress and TV personality Denise Richards, a union that lasted about four years. Finally, he married actress Brooke Mueller in 2008, but their relationship ended in 2011. Since then, Sheen has had various relationships. In addition to Bob and Max, Sheen has three other children: Sami, 20, Lola, 19, and Cassandra Jade Estevez, 39.

The twin sons of Charlie Sheen make a rare appearance for their mother’s birthday

For this special occasion, both Max and Bob posed beside their mother, 47-year-old Brooke Mueller. The twins opted for a casual yet stylish look, wearing comfortable shorts paired with matching black shirts. In contrast, Brooke stood out in a white lacy dress that featured delicate strands hanging just above her knees.

Sheen and Brooke were married on May 30, 2008, and welcomed their twin boys into the world on March 14, 2009. However, their marriage didn’t last. Sheen filed for divorce in November 2009, and a year later, the situation escalated. Police removed the twins from Sheen’s home, acting on a restraining order filed by Mueller. According to People, Mueller had expressed deep concerns in her paperwork, stating, “I am very concerned that [Sheen] is currently insane.”
Twins Bob and Max, the sons of Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller, made a rare appearance for her birthday / ImageCollect

Speaking with People about his relationship with his two youngest sons, Sheen revealed that the twins appreciate his commitment to maintaining sobriety. On the other hand, Mueller had relapsed last year. “She’s trying to figure some stuff out on her end,” Sheen mentioned. Despite the circumstances, he added that the twins respect how he has managed this challenging period for their family.

“The boys are proud of me now,” Sheen stated. “They see what mom goes through, and I’m not dumping on mom because I know it’s a thing.”
The two had a messy separation / ImageCollect

While Sheen was previously known for his numerous legal battles, Brooke Mueller currently finds herself in the spotlight more frequently. According to People, Mueller was recently questioned by authorities concerning her past relationship with Friends star Matthew Perry. Perry tragically died on October 28, 2023, at the age of 54, due to a drug overdose. Ketamine was found in his system. However, Mueller has not been charged in relation to his death.
Brooke Mueller and Charlie Sheen According to Sheen, the twins are glad for his handling of Mueller’s relapse / ImageCollect

Source: People