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Chatty Toddler Adorably Shares Her Day with Medical Assistant in Viral Video

Sometimes, a girl just needs to get some things off her chest and is willing to bare her soul to a kind ear. Tea Berry’s 2-year-old daughter recently went for a checkup and had so much to say. The mom captured her interaction with medical assistant Casey McCaw, and it’s absolutely precious.

The precocious toddler tells Casey all about life as she knows it, but it’s not in words most of us understand. The toddler has a language all her own, but that didn’t stop Casey from engaging in a lively conversation.

Tea shared text on her TikTok video, “Letting my toddler run her doctor’s appointment.” The mom wasn’t kidding. The talkative toddler had the room under her spell. Casey made the child totally comfortable in her care and, by engaging her, was able to take her vitals and keep her relaxed. Even when she pricked her toe for a blood sample, Casey talked her through it, and the little girl didn’t flinch.

Casey has a gift, and TikTokers caught that immediately. Tea’s viral video has been viewed 14 million times, and people love her professional attitude.

This person thinks Casey needs a pay bump. “Someone give this woman a raise! I love seeing a pediatric nurse that actually likes and interacts with her patients!”

“‘giiirlllll that’s too much for me’ lmfao that’s how I know she’s in the right profession,” someone laughed.

Let’s not forget that cute kiddo. Everyone loves her, too.

Like this person, “I love a baby yapper! And I love that she’s speaking to her clearly and taking her seriously. That’ll make her comfortable to advocate for herself.”

And this one, “She knew everything going on, just doesn’t have the vocabulary yet.”

Tea, thank you for sharing your sweet baby with us. And a huge shout out to Casey. You were born to care for others, particularly kids. The world needs more people like you.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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Source: InspireMore