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China Frees U.S. Pastor David Lin After 18 Years Post-Sullivan Visit

Pastor David Lin, a U.S. citizen, was released from a Beijing prison on Sunday after spending 18 years incarcerated under circumstances the American government deemed unjust. His case highlights ongoing concerns about the treatment of American citizens detained abroad.

Lin’s daughter, Alice Lin, shared the news of her father’s release with Politico, stating that the State Department had informed her on Saturday. She expressed immense relief and joy, stating, “No words can express the joy we have — we have a lot of time to make up for.”

Alice Lin also mentioned that U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan likely raised her father’s case during his recent visit to China for talks with Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Sullivan’s involvement further emphasizes the U.S. government’s commitment to advocating for American citizens facing legal challenges abroad.

Pastor David Lin, who was based in California, had traveled to Beijing to establish a Christian training center when he was arrested. In 2009, he was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of fraud. Since that time, the U.S. government had officially categorized Lin as wrongfully detained, marking a significant diplomatic concern.

John Kamm, executive director of the Dui Hua Foundation, reflected on Lin’s release, stating that it was “a long time coming.” The foundation has been active in keeping Lin’s situation in the spotlight among U.S. officials for many years, advocating for his freedom and raising awareness about the challenges faced by American detainees in China.

This development coincides with an upcoming hearing scheduled for Wednesday by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. The hearing will address the cases of other Americans viewed as unjustly detained in China, specifically Mark Swidan and Kai Li. This reflects a broader effort by U.S. lawmakers to shed light on the situation faced by American citizens abroad, particularly in countries with contentious political relations with the United States.

With Lin’s release, there are calls for greater accountability and transparency regarding cases of wrongful detainment. Advocates hope that increased awareness will lead to improved diplomatic action to safeguard the rights and freedoms of American citizens overseas.

The emotional reunion between David Lin and his family marks a significant moment after nearly two decades of separation. The Lins are now focused on rebuilding their lives and cherishing their time together after years of navigating an arduous legal battle.

The case and subsequent release of Pastor Lin serve as a reminder of the delicate nature of international relations and the complexities involved in securing justice for detained citizens. As the U.S. government continues to address the plight of its citizens wrongfully detained abroad, it underscores the importance of advocacy and diplomatic engagement.

Source: UPI