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Chris Christie, ex-Trump debate coach, gives Harris advice before Tuesday’s debate

Chris Christie pictured on December 19, 2023 in Bedford, New Hampshire. The Trump foe has offered Kamala Harris key advice in debate prep.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has stepped into the political arena once again, this time by offering valuable advice to Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris in anticipation of her debate with Donald Trump on Tuesday.

Christie, who played a significant role in preparing Trump for debates during the 2016 and 2020 elections, saw their relationship dissolve into open conflict thereafter. Now, he is actively sharing his insights with Harris as she gears up for this critical face-off.

This past weekend, Christie’s guidance emphasized the importance of being well-prepared and leveraging Trump’s notorious lack of preparation to her advantage. He stressed that forging a connection with the American people through charm would be crucial for Harris.

During an appearance on ABC News, Christie remarked, “She needs to show that she’s not gonna be the 24-hour leaf blower noise that he is.” His advice highlighted the potential for Harris to combine kindness, intelligence, and toughness into her performance, stating that this blend would constitute her charm.

Christie continued to advise Harris to avoid engaging in Trump’s typical theatrics. “Disarm is…do not engage him in that stuff,” he further noted. He insisted that Harris should maintain a direct connection with the audience, urging her to “look into that camera and charm the American people.”

When asked to elaborate on Trump’s typical debate preparations, Christie did not hold back. He bluntly stated, “He doesn’t,” emphasizing that Trump’s aversion to in-depth debate preparation has consistently posed difficulties for his advisors. This open acknowledgment of Trump’s approach sheds light on the strategy that Harris might capitalize on during the debate.

Christie characterized Trump’s style as one of improvisation, saying, “He’s just going to wing it. You’ve seen this show before.” This hints at a stark contrast between how Harris would approach the debate versus Trump’s more casual and unstructured method.

The stakes are particularly high as both Trump and Harris find themselves in a tight race in the polls leading up to the first presidential debate. According to a recent New York Times/Siena College survey, Trump holds a slight edge over Harris, leading with 48 percent to her 47 percent.

Scheduled for Tuesday in Philadelphia, the 90-minute presidential debate will be hosted by ABC News and will occur without a live audience. As Trump and Harris prepare for this potentially pivotal moment in the campaign, the outcome could significantly impact the political landscape leading into the election.

With Chris Christie’s strategic insights and the current polling data, the upcoming debate promises to be a key event for both candidates. As the world watches, it remains to be seen how Harris will apply Christie’s counsel and whether it will resonate with voters as she aims to redefine her public persona against the backdrop of a seasoned, albeit unpredictable, opponent in Trump.

Source: ABC News