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Cobra Kai Season 6 Reveals the Most Powerful Karate Kid Villain

Instead of just being the most proficient karate villain in the original movies, Johnny might actually be the best fighter in “Cobra Kai,” according to real-life karate sensei and YouTuber Sensei Seth. In his view, “The Karate Kid”-era Johnny would emerge at the top in a tournament between young versions of all major “Cobra Kai” characters, defeating Hawk (Jacob Bertrand) in the finals. However, it’s worth noting that his brackets don’t include young Mike Barnes, who hadn’t appeared on the show at that point.

When comparing young Johnny and young Mike, it’s worth noting that the “Cobra Kai”-era John Kreese still considers Johnny to be the best Cobra Kai student ever despite no doubt being aware that Mike was part of the dojo during Terry Silver’s (Thomas Ian Griffith) 1985 reign. Granted, this may have something to do with the fact that Mike isn’t as much a Cobra Kai original as he is a hired hand. Having dominated at the national level in his youth, Mike is also a far more decorated athlete than Johnny. Still, the fact that Kreese barely acknowledges Mike’s existence while constantly praising Johnny speaks volumes — and while the old villain might be vile, he has a good eye for top fighters.

As for the adult versions of the characters, Mike may be a little rustier than Johnny due to his years away from karate. Still, as Daniel LaRusso has demonstrated over and over again, training is everything in the “Cobra Kai” universe. Even though Mike has more formal accolades and possibly more natural combat aptitude than Johnny, the latter has put in the work, which earns him the victory and the place at the top … at least until he and Chozen finally have that decisive match.

Johnny Lawrence, the notorious antagonist of “The Karate Kid” series, has always been seen as a formidable fighter. Yet, as “Cobra Kai” continues to unfold, many argue that Johnny may indeed be the best fighter in the series. Real-life karate sensei and popular YouTuber Sensei Seth believes that if a tournament were held among the young versions of key “Cobra Kai” characters, Johnny would come out on top, ultimately defeating Hawk (Jacob Bertrand) in the final round.

Interestingly, Sensei Seth’s analysis doesn’t factor in young Mike Barnes, simply because Mike hadn’t made an appearance on the show during that period. Comparing young Johnny with young Mike reveals a significant point: despite Mike’s impressive background and skill level, “Cobra Kai”-era John Kreese still views Johnny as the best Cobra Kai student ever. This judgment remains even though Mike was part of the dojo during Terry Silver’s reign in 1985.

This omission and Kreese’s comments suggest something noteworthy. Kreese’s admiration for Johnny over Mike, despite Mike’s more decorated athletic history, hints at Johnny’s unique abilities and potential. Johnny’s reputation isn’t just tied to his skill; it’s deeply rooted in his essence as an original Cobra Kai member. Kreese, though often seen as a villain, possesses a keen eye for talent, and his praise for Johnny cannot be overlooked.

Transitioning to their present-day versions, Johnny has consistently shown that dedication and hard work trump natural talent and past accolades. While Mike Barnes might have more formal recognition and possibly superior innate fighting aptitude, Johnny’s relentless training in the “Cobra Kai” series sets him apart. This consistent effort and determination solidify Johnny’s standing at the top, at least until he faces Chozen in a long-awaited and decisive match.

The discussion around who the best fighter in “Cobra Kai” is extends beyond mere nostalgia for fans of the original movies. It brings to light that character development and commitment in training can surpass innate talent and prior achievements. Johnny’s evolution from the feared bully of “The Karate Kid” to a disciplined fighter in “Cobra Kai” underscores the transformative power of dedication. In a universe where training can reshape destinies, Johnny’s journey illustrates that grit and persistence can indeed pave the way for greatness.

Source: Sensei Seth