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Colbert Exposes J.D. Vance’s RNC Lies

Stephen Colbert was on day three of covering the Republican National Convention, expressing his clear disappointment with the first official speech of Trump’s vice presidential pick, J.D. Vance, who accepted the GOP nomination on Wednesday.

“In his speech, Vance tried to claim America’s political center,” Colbert said, showing a clip of Vance arguing that Republicans “have a big tent in this party.”

Colbert’s sarcastic response: “It’s a holding area where we will eventually keep the immigrants before we deport them. But tonight, we’re gonna let Rudy Giuliani sleep there.”

Colbert pointed out significant issues with Vance, emphasizing the biggest danger of making him vice president. “You’ll recall that on January 6th, the only thing that saved our democracy was Mike Pence actually following the Constitution. Vance would have no such qualms,” Colbert explained.

He played a clip from a February 2024 interview where Vance mentioned that he would have assisted Trump in overturning the 2020 election results if he had been vice president. “If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors, and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there,” Vance said.

Colbert’s reaction was of grave concern: “Oh no, they’re gonna deny the election results again, and we’re gonna have another insurrection.”

He humorously added, “You need proof? I just checked my 2025 calendar, and there’s gonna be another January 6th.”

Colbert also speculated about another significant reason Trump chose Vance as his running mate. “Trump didn’t pick Vance just for his ideology. Vance briefly worked in venture capital and has hooked Trump up to the Silicon Valley money pump. Earlier this year, Vance flew to San Francisco to host Trump and two dozen tech and crypto investors at a private dinner.”

Colbert quipped, “Can you imagine being stuck at a dinner between crypto bros and Donald Trump? ‘Waiter, I’ll have the Chicken a la Cyanide.’”

Source: The Daily Beast