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Colt Gray, accused Georgia school shooter, and father Colin in court

On September 6, in Georgia, both Colt Gray, the 14-year-old suspect in the Apalachee High School shooting, and his father, Colin Gray, appeared in court facing serious charges.

Colt Gray, 14, and his father Colin Gray had separate court hearings on charges related to the tragic shooting at Apalachee High School. Photo courtesy of Barrow County Sheriff’s Office.

Colt Gray faces four counts of felony murder, while his father, Colin, aged 54, is charged with two counts of second-degree murder, four counts of manslaughter, and eight counts of cruelty to children.

During the hearing, Barrow County Superior Court Judge Currie Mingledorff informed the young defendant that if convicted, he could face life in prison, the maximum penalty permitted due to his age. In contrast, if an adult were charged, more severe penalties, including the death penalty, could be applicable.

Colt Gray appeared in court in handcuffs and leg shackles, dressed in a green shirt and tan pants, with the families of the victims present in the courtroom.

The judge also addressed Colin Gray, stating he could receive 30 years for each count of second-degree murder and up to 10 years for each count of involuntary manslaughter. Additionally, he could face up to 10 years on each of the eight cruelty to children charges.

Neither Colt nor Colin Gray entered pleas during their court appearances, and neither requested bond.

Chris Hosey, Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, explained that the father’s charges stem from his alleged failure to prevent his son from accessing a firearm.

The tragic incident claimed the lives of two students, Mason Schermerhorn, 14, and Christian Angulo, along with two teachers, Richard Aspenwall, 39, and Christina Irimie, 53. Nine others were injured during the shooting that transpired at Apalachee High School in Winder City, an Atlanta suburb.

Colt Gray is accused of using an AR-style rifle to carry out the attack.

In the aftermath, a family member of Colt Gray expressed deep concern about the circumstances leading up to the shooting. His aunt, Annie Brown, revealed that the teenager had been pleading for assistance regarding his mental health for several months before the tragic event.

Brown criticized the adults in his life for failing to address his needs, highlighting that Colt’s grandmother recently spoke to a school counselor. In fact, just a week before the shooting, she had communicated via text that her grandson was starting therapy the following day.

Source: UPI