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Coney Island’s Cyclone Roller Coaster Reopens After Two-Week Malfunction

The Cyclone wooden roller coaster at Coney Island, Brooklyn, has reopened following a two-week closure due to a mechanical issue that raised safety concerns. The beloved attraction at Luna Park resumed operations on Saturday after city inspectors confirmed it was safe to ride.

The iconic coaster, which has been thrilling riders for 97 years, was shut down on August 22 after a car train became stuck halfway up an incline. This stoppage occurred because of a crack on a chain used in the ride’s mechanics. Although the situation could have been serious, all passengers were safely assisted off the ride without injury.

In the aftermath of the incident, the Department of Buildings issued two violations against the ride’s operators. One violation cited the failure to properly maintain the coaster, while the other was for not reporting the mechanical failure to state officials. These violations underscored the importance of safety and operational protocols for amusement rides.

In a statement, the Department confirmed that the Cyclone had passed its inspection on Saturday morning and was cleared for safe operation. “Luna Park’s operators have been working diligently to repair the Cyclone, and over the past several days, we have allowed them to conduct multiple test runs to ensure the ride’s safety before reopening,” the statement read.

Interestingly, just a day prior to the ride’s malfunction, city inspectors had conducted a check and cleared the Cyclone for reopening after an inspection on August 21. This recent history has prompted discussions about the frequency and thoroughness of inspections, as well as the protocols in place to ensure that such incidents are reported promptly.

The Cyclone first opened to the public on June 26, 1927, and has since become a historic gem of the Coney Island amusement park experience. Riders can experience the thrill of reaching speeds of up to 60 miles per hour on a track that stretches 2,640 feet in length. The ride soars to a height of 85 feet, and each car set can accommodate up to 24 passengers, making it a popular choice for those seeking an adrenaline rush.

Luna Park has taken steps to enhance safety measures in light of this incident and has committed to maintaining the ride’s historic integrity. The park’s management understands the Cyclone is not just an amusement ride but a cherished piece of cultural history for many visitors to Coney Island.

As the Cyclone resumes operations, both staff and riders are hopeful that the ride will continue to offer thrilling experiences without further interruptions. With meticulous attention to safety protocols now in place, the expectation is that the Cyclone will remain a favorite for years to come.

Source: UPI