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Congo prison escape in Kinshasa results in nearly 130 deaths, officials say

Kinshasa, Congo — A tragic attempted prison break at the Makala Central Prison in Kinshasa, Congo’s main penitentiary, has left at least 129 individuals dead, including many who perished in a stampede. This incident occurred early Monday and has drawn significant attention from both local authorities and human rights activists.

Congo’s Interior Minister, Jacquemin Shabani, reported that 24 inmates were shot and killed by warning gunfire as they attempted to flee from the severely overcrowded facility. The prison, designed to house 1,500 inmates, currently holds over 12,000, a situation Amnesty International has highlighted in its recent reports. Compounding the tragedy, Shabani noted that there were 59 additional individuals injured, along with multiple cases involving the sexual assault of women during the chaos. Following the incident, order has reportedly been restored, but parts of the facility experienced extensive damage from the events that unfolded.

This prison is notorious for overcrowding and has previously witnessed jailbreaks, notably in 2017 when members of a religious sect managed to orchestrate a mass escape. The recent upheaval began around midnight, sparking confusion and panic among both inmates and those living nearby. Residents recounted hearing gunfire echoing within the prison grounds.

Initially, a senior government representative provided a figure of only two fatalities, a claim that contrasted sharply with the later estimations put forth by rights activists and those directly involved in the situation. Video footage emerging from the scene depicted harrowing images, revealing bodies strewn across the ground, many bearing visible wounds. Other clips showed inmates rushing to carry the presumably lifeless bodies to a vehicle.

Observers noted that there appeared to be no signs of forced entry into the prison, indicating that the escape plan had been devised from within the facility. Mbemba Kabuya, the deputy justice minister, indicated that the plot originated in one of the prison’s wings.

In response to the tragic events, the area surrounding Makala Central Prison was quickly cordoned off as authorities commenced an official investigation. The prison is situated in the heart of the city, approximately three miles from the presidential palace, bringing the incident closer to the center of power in the nation’s capital.

The dire state of prisons in Congo has been a point of contention for years. Activists consistently report on the appalling conditions that result in inmates suffering from starvation and disease. Efforts to alleviate these issues have been made, including the release of countless inmates this year as part of a broader initiative to reduce prison overcrowding. However, many point out that these moves are not sufficient in addressing the root causes of the crisis.

Justice Minister Constant Mutamba labeled the attempted escape as a “premeditated act of sabotage,” promising a severe response for those responsible for instigating the turmoil. He emphasized the need for reforms and highlighted plans to construct a new prison, alongside a moratorium on inmate transfers from the Makala facility.

While the government has pledged to take decisive action in light of this catastrophic event, the underlying issues of overcrowding and inadequate conditions within Congo’s prison system remain. These challenges pose ongoing threats not only to the rights and dignity of inmates but also to public safety and social stability. As investigations continue, the focus will also be on the urgent reforms needed to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

Source: CBS News