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Controversial Allegations About Rob Marciano’s Conduct at GMA

The behind-the-scenes dynamics of the “Good Morning America” weather department revealed a stormy relationship between Rob Marciano and Ginger Zee. Their animosity reportedly spanned years, with insiders hinting that it may have exacerbated Marciano’s temper issues. A source mentioned to the New York Post in May 2024, “I think she brought out the worst in him. I’m not giving him a pass.” This source also noted that Zee could sometimes be “nasty.” It was essentially a clash of two strong personalities. “She treated him as a beta and she was the alpha,” the insider remarked.

But the discord wasn’t isolated to Zee alone. Other sources claimed that Marciano’s temper was well-known within the staff. “There were always stories about him about his temper. No one that worked with him or witnessed his behavior is surprised by any of this,” said Swetha Sharma, who had previously worked with Marciano, to People shortly after his firing. Marciano reportedly struggled to stay calm whenever he disagreed with superiors. An executive shared with the New York Post, “[His] body language and tone would change. If he was unhappy about something, you’d know it.”

Marciano’s fits of anger were not confined to confrontations with management but happened in front of staffers. “He lost his cool in meetings when he got news he didn’t like,” another source added. According to The Daily Beast, the tipping point came when he got into a verbal altercation with a producer, which was overheard by none other than Zee. She reported the incident to the leadership.

Source: New York Post, People, The Daily Beast.