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Controversial Trump Biopic Releases First Clip Ahead of Election Launch

The upcoming biopic about Donald Trump, titled The Apprentice, has released its first teaser clip in anticipation of its release this fall, just ahead of the elections.

Directed by Iranian-Danish filmmaker Ali Abbassi, the film features Sebastian Stan as a young Trump and Jeremy Strong from Succession portraying his forceful lawyer and mentor, Roy Cohn.

Marketed as an “origin story,” the film focuses on the early years of Trump’s career in New York real estate during the 1970s and 1980s.

On Tuesday, Briarcliff Entertainment, the film’s distributor, unveiled an exclusive scene showcasing Stan’s portrayal of Trump and Strong’s Cohn inside a town car.

In the clip, an irritated Cohn is engrossed in a phone conversation, declaring, “About a hundred reporters were crawling up my ass to get this interview and I gave you the exclusive,” before handing the phone to Trump.

As Trump begins the conversation, Cohn can be seen coaching him in the background to inject more enthusiasm into his voice.

When asked by a reporter about his plans following the settlement of his racial discrimination lawsuit, Trump states, “Well, I intend to acquire the Commodore [hotel].”

Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn and Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump in ‘The Apprentice’ (Briarcliff Entertainment)

He continues, emphasizing his goal: “I’m planning on making it the best and the finest building in the city – maybe the country,” but Cohn quickly interjects, prompting him to expand his ambition to “in the world.”

With enthusiasm, Trump asserts, “It’s gonna be the finest building in the world; it’s gonna be a spectacular hotel, absolutely spectacular, first class.”

When asked about the source of his drive, Trump replies, “I’ve got flair, and I’m smart. So I think that’s gonna make me successful.”

However, he also adds a note of humility, saying, “But I also want to stay humble,” before Cohn swiftly takes over the conversation.

Cohn tells the reporter, “Uh, sorry Judy, listen, let’s do the rest in person, and bring a photographer, ok?” before hanging up.

Post-call, Trump quickly apologizes to Cohn, claiming he was taken by surprise.

Cohn reassures Trump, saying, “I mean listen, it’s your life. You’ve got a ways to go, but you’re learning.”

The project faced challenges earlier when it struggled to find a distributor, but was eventually acquired by Tom Ortenberg’s Briarcliff Entertainment.

The film is said to contain several controversial scenes, including depictions of Trump using drugs and undergoing cosmetic procedures.

One of the most provocative elements includes a scene portraying Trump in a troubling encounter with his first wife, Ivana, who accused him of sexual assault in a 1989 divorce deposition. Although she later recanted this claim in 2015, the film’s portrayal has raised significant eyebrows.

After the film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, Trump’s campaign responded by issuing a cease-and-desist letter, urging producers to avoid pursuing a distribution agreement.

In a statement issued to the press, Steven Cheung, the spokesperson for Trump’s campaign, denounced the film as “garbage” and “pure fiction that sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked.”

Cheung described the film as “pure malicious defamation” that “doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin,” insisting that it belonged “in a dumpster fire.”

In defense of the film, producers responded to these claims by stating that the film represents a fair and balanced portrayal of the former president. They expressed their desire for audiences to view the film and form their own opinions.

The Apprentice is slated for release in theaters on October 11.

Source: Various News Outlets