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Cory Hardrict Addresses Poor Reviews of Tyler Perry’s ‘Divorce in the Black’

The film “Divorce In the Black,” starring Cory Hardict and directed by Tyler Perry, has garnered quite a buzz, but perhaps not the kind the filmmakers were hoping for. Despite being panned by critics with a 0% score on Rotten Tomatoes, Hardict remains undeterred by the negative feedback.

In “Divorce In the Black,” Hardict takes on the role of an abusive and alcoholic husband who struggles to let go. The movie has faced harsh criticism for its writing, underdeveloped characters, and melodramatic storyline.

Nevertheless, Hardict has nothing but praise for his experience working on the project. Speaking to “The Breakfast Club,” he shared that it was the highest-paying job he has had in such a short period, with the production taking only six weeks.

Despite the backlash, Hardict is proud of the film. When approached by TMZ, he remained upbeat, stating, “I’m in Mr. Tyler Perry’s ‘Divorce In the Black.’ It’s the number one movie in the world. I’m excited. It’s out on Amazon Prime Video right now.”

Regarding the dismal Rotten Tomatoes rating, Hardict played it cool, saying, “I don’t know nothing about it. I didn’t see that. The people love the movie and we do it for the people. That’s who I do it for. If the culture rocking with it, it’s all love. Shoutout to Mr. Perry. I love Mr. Perry though.”

Addressing the critics, Hardict noted, “The critics – everyone has an opinion. And they’re entitled to it. So, it’s fine. But as long as the people see it, my neighborhood see it – Southside of Chicago – L.A., everybody see it, then I’m happy. So, it’s all love.”

On the prospect of working with Perry again, Hardict is enthusiastic. “I love Mr. Tyler Perry. We’re working again on something for sure. I can’t really speak on it. It was the most incredible experience I ever had on a film. He takes care of his actors. It’s a loving set. We’re going to do it again. Big shout out to Mr. Perry. Y’all stop playing with that man. He’s amazing. He wrote the number one movie I am in,” he gushed.

Hardict’s positive attitude in the face of criticism underscores his dedication to his craft and appreciation for the opportunities he has received. Despite the film’s poor critical reception, he focuses on the experience and the joy it brought to him and his viewers.

Source: Various