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Court Tentatively Rules Bam Margera’s Ex Was Never His Wife Despite Wedding

Bam Margera and Nikki Boyd were never officially husband and wife, according to a judge involved in their custody battle. Recent legal documents indicate the judge’s tentative ruling on Tuesday recognized that Bam and Nikki were not legally married.

Nikki has asserted that their 2013 wedding ceremony was legitimate. However, Bam counters this by explaining that the ceremony took place in Iceland without obtaining a U.S. marriage license to formalize their union.

Bam stated, “Nicole knew that we weren’t married from the start; it was common knowledge. Of course, I won because we were never married, but ending up in a four-day trial over this is a tedious pain up my a**. However, I’m used to it.”

Nikki’s attorney, David Glass, mentioned that his client was under the impression their Iceland marriage was valid. He has added that while he respects the court’s decision, he does not agree with it and is considering options to appeal should the tentative ruling become final.

The couple has been at odds over their marital status since their split, mainly because the issue impacts property division and spousal support. Even though they weren’t legally married, the court acknowledged that there remain legal concerns to address, such as custody and child support for their son, Phoenix.

Despite the unresolved battles with Nikki, Bam has since moved on and married Dannii Marie in New Mexico.

Source: TMZ