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Creators of ‘The Penguin’ Explain Robert Pattinson’s Batman Absence on HBO Series

Colin Farrell is set to return as the infamous villain he portrayed in the 2022 film “The Batman” in the upcoming HBO series “The Penguin.” The series, focused on his character, Oswald Cobblepot, promises to delve deeper into the gritty underworld of Gotham City.

However, fans of director Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” should temper their expectations, as Robert Pattinson will not be appearing as the Caped Crusader in this series. The showrunner and writer, Lauren LeFranc, addressed this in an interview with SFX magazine.

LeFranc explained, “I understand why people’s desire would be to have Batman, or to think that unless Batman’s in a show or a film then it doesn’t have the same punch. To me, I think it packs a different punch. Matt’s films are through the lens of Batman, so you’re high up, looking down on the city. It’s a different perspective. With Oz, you’re in the city streets, you’re in the grit and the muck and the grime. He’s looking up, wanting to claw his way to the top.”

LeFranc emphasized that “The Penguin” attempts to showcase a new angle of Gotham, an area rich with potential stories waiting to be unlocked. She believes that exploring these different facets of the city will offer viewers a fresh and intriguing experience.

Expanding on this, Matt Reeves echoed similar sentiments. He reassured fans that Batman’s absence wouldn’t detract from the series’ value, stating that “The Penguin” is “an extension of what is fundamentally there. We know this is the world of Batman.”

Reeves added, “You’re going down a different alley. So the specter of Batman is there. The specter of the Riddler is there. The specter of everything that happens in the last movie is there. It informs it. And it’s exactly where we begin.”

The fresh narrative perspective aims to enrich the lore of Gotham City and offer audiences a deeper look into its darker, less explored corners. The series seeks to be more than just a supplemental viewing experience to “The Batman,” but a standalone story that gives a more intimate view of the city’s grime and ambition, as seen through the eyes of one of its most notorious inhabitants.

Source: SFX magazine