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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Curious Facts About Alina Habba’s Marriage to Gregg Reuben

Alina Habba’s husband, Gregg Reuben, remains less known compared to his wife, who frequently defends her client, Donald Trump, both on-air and online. Despite the low profile, there’s some peculiar information about their marriage that has piqued curiosity.

Habba’s marriage to Reuben is her second. She was previously married to Matthew Eyet from September 2011 to December 2019. While having multiple marriages isn’t unusual, finding and marrying someone new in less than two years might be considered uncommon. In February 2021, Reuben shared photos on Medium of their wedding. While their relationship has mostly remained private, Habba shared a picture of a large bouquet of flowers on Instagram in November 2022, captioned, “Marry someone who buys you flowers to celebrate your first date.”

The timing of these events raises some questions. If Habba waited until after her divorce was finalized, the next November would have been in 2020. She likely married Reuben in late 2020 or early 2021, which seems rather soon. It’s possible she and Eyet were separated well before their divorce became official, meaning the November flowers could have marked her first date with Reuben in 2019. Nonetheless, it does appear there might have been some overlap.

Alina Habba and Gregg Reuben are reportedly facing significant financial issues that aren’t widely discussed. Together, they owe over $1 million, according to InTouch Weekly. Habba’s law firm, Sandelands Eyet LLP, also reportedly owes a few thousand dollars in Maine.

The larger sum is owed by Reuben and his associated companies. According to the New York Department of State website, Reuben has 19 state tax lien notices against him. As the CEO and founder of Centerpark, a parking management and real estate investment firm in New York, he is also connected to several other LLCs named in these liens. Beyond the LLCs, Reuben personally owes nearly half a million dollars from 2020 and almost $60,000 from 2022. Perhaps Habba’s first husband, who specializes in tax law, could offer some advice?

Additionally, in 2023, Habba, her law firm, and Donald Trump were fined over $1 million for filing a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, according to court documents. Owing such substantial amounts across various places would likely put a strain on any marriage.

Alina Habba first posted on her Instagram account in December 2021, shortly after she began representing Donald Trump. Many of her posts express support for the former president, but she also occasionally shares pictures of her family and friends. Interestingly, she seems to exclude photos of her husband, Gregg Reuben.

On Father’s Day 2023, for example, she posted a picture of her father with his grandchildren but did not mention Reuben. While she readily shares photos of some family members, her husband appears to be absent from her social media feed. It’s possible that Reuben requested privacy, and she’s respecting that wish. While it’s common for mothers to protect their kids’ privacy online, it’s less common to see the same level of discretion applied to a spouse.

Maybe Reuben is the one taking all the photos, thereby staying out of the frame? The true nature of their arrangement might remain a mystery, but it does add an interesting layer to their relationship.

Source: The List