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Daisy Kent Shares Her Near-Death Experience

Daisy Kent has candidly shared a harrowing experience with her fans, revealing a time when she nearly lost her life due to a severe illness. Daisy has always been committed to raising awareness about the illnesses she’s faced, and she continues to inspire others by speaking openly about her journey. Initially, she felt some apprehension about discussing these issues on The Bachelor, but she ultimately decided it was important for people to know they’re not alone and that it’s okay to talk about their struggles. Let’s delve deeper into her story.

Daisy Kent had an eventful stint on The Bachelor, where she became one of the final two contestants on Joey Graziadei’s season. Even though Joey chose Kelsey Anderson in the end, Daisy left a lasting impression on viewers. During her time on the show, she opened up about her health struggles, including the fact that she needed a cochlear implant. Despite her initial nerves about dating with the implant for the first time, Daisy managed to capture the hearts of America.

Daisy Kent/Credit: YouTube
Daisy Kent/Credit: YouTube

Daisy revealed a particularly close brush with death due to meningitis.

“I had this shocking pain going down my spine, I felt like knives were cutting into my back and down my neck, there was a point where they didn’t think I was gonna make it. I kept thinking, ‘My siblings are never gonna know how much I love them. I’m never gonna get to do everything I wanted to do in my future.’ When I got home my little sister hugged me and she was like, ‘I thought you were gonna snap in half,’ I just lost so much weight so quickly and I could barely walk.”

This revelation shocked many of her fans, as most were unaware of the severity of her illness. Daisy also shared that she had to travel overseas to get the treatment she needed during this difficult time. Fortunately, she is now much healthier and continues to share her journey with her followers on social media.

Daisy Kent/Credit: Daisy Kent Instagram
Daisy Kent/Credit: Daisy Kent Instagram

It appears that Daisy faced numerous health challenges while growing up. Despite these struggles, she is now healthy and happy, and she has not wavered in her mission to spread awareness. Daisy has even authored a children’s book to help deaf children understand that they are not alone. Her fans admire her resilience and the positive impact she’s made. Although she didn’t win The Bachelor, her followers hope to see more of her in the future.
