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DC’s James Gunn Reveals Title for Batman & Superman Team-Up Movie

DC Studios head James Gunn has confirmed that the title “World’s Finest” is a strong contender for an upcoming Batman and Superman team-up film in the new DC Universe. Gunn shared a Labor Day post on Instagram that portrayed Batman, Superman, and Robin playing baseball. The caption read, “Have the World’s Finest Labor Day!”

The post quickly sparked discussions about the future of the DCU franchise. One fan, Benjasp_5, posed a provocative question: “Hi Mr Gunn, in the hypothetical case that a movie starring only Superman and Batman (teaming) came out, what would you call it? Superman and Batman or Batman and Superman?????” Gunn deftly sidestepped any potential ranking issues by responding that the DCU Batman and Superman team-up film would be called “World’s Finest.”

So, what is “World’s Finest”? The term became associated with Batman and Superman when DC Comics first published a comic book featuring the two heroes under that title in 1941. The series was initially named “World’s Best Comics” but quickly changed to “World’s Finest Comics” by the second issue. Originally a super-sized quarterly anthology, the comic centered on stories featuring Batman and Superman together, often with Robin in the early issues, along with other DC heroes. By the 1950s, the series was shortened to a regular format focusing on Batman and Superman, creating the framework most fans are familiar with today.

Following Gunn’s statement about the World’s Finest title, another fan inquired whether the project was a confirmed part of the DCU slate. Gunn did not respond to this follow-up question, leaving fans to speculate. However, many believe it is inevitable that the DCU will eventually launch a “World’s Finest” film. The past criticism of the film “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” for its dark and violent portrayal of Batman and Superman’s first live-action pairing has led fans to hope for a more traditional, cooperative narrative in a “World’s Finest” movie. This could include not only Batman and Superman but also Robin, completing the iconic trio.

If James Gunn’s reboot of Superman, set for release in 2025, and the upcoming Batman reboot “The Brave and the Bold” are well-received, “World’s Finest” could become one of the biggest cinematic events in recent years. With Superman (2025) scheduled to hit theaters on July 12, 2025, anticipation is already building.
