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Dentist Denies Claims He Got Ye Addicted to Nitrous Gas

Ye’s dentist has responded to troubling accusations made by the rapper’s former employee, claiming the dentist sold an alarming amount of nitrous oxide to Ye. According to a report from TMZ published on Wednesday, August 7, Thomas P. Connelly, a celebrity dentist, has vehemently opposed these claims, which were brought to light by Ye’s former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, in a sworn affidavit submitted to the California Dental Board.

In the affidavit, Yiannopoulos alleges Connelly sold substantial quantities of nitrous oxide to Ye for recreational use, charging over $50,000 a month. He further claims Connelly continued to provide the gas despite noticing symptoms of addiction in Ye. Yiannopoulos described this behavior as glaring negligence or intentional malice, meant to exploit Ye’s vulnerable state and extract millions of dollars wrongfully.

“The abandonment of said patient to the self-destructive consequences of said dependence, showing indifference or worse to the prospect of permanent damage in brain and in body by Connelly’s negligence, at best, and malice with the intent to defraud, at worst,” Yiannopoulos stated in the affidavit. He added that Connelly’s actions amounted to a fraudulent extraction of money from a patient who was confused, dependent, weakened, and addicted.

Yiannopoulos also claimed that Connelly had moved into Ye’s apartment building to keep a closer watch on him. Despite this, Ye was allegedly caught self-administering the laughing gas and often wore the inhaler mask, even during meetings. Milo believes excessive use of the gas altered Ye’s mood, making him incoherent. Furthermore, Yiannopoulos accused Connelly of deceiving other celebrity and athlete clients by charging them for natural stone diamond orthodontics but using cheap, lab-grown diamonds instead.

A representative for Connelly strongly denied these allegations, labeling Yiannopoulos’ claims as both factually incorrect and intentionally misleading. Connelly’s team believes that the former employee is attempting to damage the dentist’s reputation. They emphasized that Dr. Connelly strictly adheres to ethical and legal standards, remains committed to providing the highest standard of care, and will continue to do so despite these baseless attacks.

Yiannopoulos previously asserted that he had made every effort to distance Connelly from Ye while other employees, such as Idriss Qibaa, remained silent. However, several former YZY team members, including Julianne “YesJulz” Goddard, have contested Yiannopoulos’ claims. Goddard, who previously collaborated with Ye’s company, stated that she expressed concerns about making appointments with Connelly even before Yiannopoulos brought the situation to light.

“When I was told to book the appointment I expressed my concerns & pushed back twice asking if he was sure he wanted to do it,” Goddard wrote on X. “I was told that the decision was made, he was sure it was what he wanted and to do not question it again.”

Goddard’s statement adds another layer to this complex situation, suggesting a conflict among Ye’s former team members regarding the handling of Connelly’s services. This ongoing controversy continues to unfold, shedding light on the intricate dynamics within Ye’s circle and raising questions about the professional conduct and welfare of the individuals involved.

Source: TMZ, X