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Dermatologist Claims Justin Timberlake’s Mugshot Supports Surgery Rumors

Social media users aren’t the only ones speculating that Justin Timberlake has had cosmetic procedures done to his face. Dr. Mariano Busso shares the same belief, particularly noting a possible nose job. “Although I am not his doctor, it is evident that he had a surgical rhinoplasty. It is very natural, it doesn’t stand out. His nose blends nicely with the rest of his face,” he shared with Nicki Swift. Comparing an older photo to Timberlake’s current appearance, Busso also noticed indications of efforts to improve the look of his skin.

Dr. Busso further elaborated, stating, “At age 43, one would typically expect some facial volume loss and wrinkling. The fact that we can’t see any of these signs suggests he has had some minor work done, such as Botox and fillers.” However, he also acknowledged Timberlake’s likely personal efforts in maintaining his skin’s health. The pop star’s complexion shows few to no spots and lacks noticeable wrinkles, which implies he has successfully avoided excessive sun exposure. “He’s aged very well since his days in NSYNC,” Busso added.

Timberlake hasn’t publicly discussed his skincare routine, but he is known for being a regular at the Ole Henriksen Spa in West Hollywood. The renowned Danish skin cosmetician, Ole Henriksen, has shared that Timberlake is a loyal user of his Walnut Complexion Scrub, which is applied to the skin atop sesame oil. “Mark Wahlberg and Justin Timberlake are fans,” Henriksen revealed to British GQ.

As speculation continues, it’s clear that Timberlake’s youthful appearance is the result of a combination of professional treatments and a rigorous skincare regimen. His enduring good looks have certainly been a topic of interest, both among fans and experts in the field.

Source: Nicki Swift, British GQ