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DevilDriver Guitarist Departs Band After 20 Years

Longtime DevilDriver guitarist Mike Spreitzer has announced his departure from the band after a 20-year tenure. Spreitzer has been a key member of the metal group, second only to founding frontman Dez Fafara in longevity.

In a heartfelt post explaining his decision, Spreitzer cited his desire to be part of a more actively touring band. While DevilDriver has slowed down in recent years, Spreitzer has been developing his side project, Verona on Venus. He now aims to focus more on this venture, allowing him to perform and record more frequently.

Spreitzer delved deeper into his reasons in a lengthy social media post, revealing that since around 2014, DevilDriver had started to “feel more like a part-time job.”

“In addition, the mere creation of my side project was met with a heavy amount of negativity from a specific individual that made things extremely uncomfortable for me,” Spreitzer explained.

The primary motivation for his decision, however, seems related to his longing for regular tours. He shared, “I’ve waited patiently for DevilDriver to become full-time again. I respectfully understand that since 2019 serious issues had to be dealt with that were out of anybody’s control, keeping the band off the road. We had a pandemic, there were family emergencies and health issues that had to be addressed,” said Spreitzer. “But these dilemmas started in 2019. DevilDriver became part-time long before this unfortunate chain of events. I would rather not sit at home waiting for this to become a full-time job any longer.”

Spreitzer added, “It was never my intention to make VoV a priority over DevilDriver. The only way I can see myself touring as much as I would like is by getting Verona on Venus up and running or perhaps an opportunity to join another band.”

The guitarist expressed his gratitude towards the fans, stating, “To all the DD fans out there. I love you with all my heart. You are some of the most dedicated humans I have ever met. The vitality in all of you has been the brightest light in my life. You filled my soul with happiness. I am forever grateful for every single one of you and will never forget your unwavering devotion. I wish Dez, Jon, Alex, and Davier the very best.”

Spreitzer’s journey with DevilDriver began with their 2005 album, The Fury of Our Maker’s Hand, and he has been part of every record since. The latest album he worked on with the band is 2023’s Dealing With Demons, Vol. 2.

In December 2023, Spreitzer’s band Verona on Venus released its first single, “Rodent.” Their debut album, Popular Delusions, came out in January 2023. They recently issued another single titled “War Baby” last month.

Spreitzer’s departure leaves a significant gap in DevilDriver, but his fans and bandmates respect his decision to pursue his passion for more frequent touring and performing. The dedication of his followers and the support of the music community will undoubtedly follow him in his new endeavors.

As Spreitzer steps into this new chapter of his musical career, the legacy he built with DevilDriver over the past two decades remains a testament to his talent and commitment. Both he and the band will continue to forge their paths, leaving a lasting impact on the metal music scene.

Source: Loudwire