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Did Bill Rancic Get Plastic Surgery? How Wife Giuliana Started Rumors

Almost everyone who’s ever posted their own photo on social media has fallen victim to over-filtering at one point or another. While filters on Instagram and other apps can help us look our best, they can also change our appearance drastically — or make it look like we’ve had work done even when we haven’t. For celebrities, such an image can kick the rumor mill into high gear.

Former E! News host Giuliana Rancic sparked some speculation about her husband Bill Rancic when she posted a picture on Instagram of her family outside the restaurant RPM Italian D.C., which they co-own. Several commenters noticed that Bill didn’t quite seem like himself. “Huh? Bill doesn’t look like Bill,” one wrote, while another asked, “Who’s the guy in the middle?” with a crying laughing emoji.

Jokes aside, eagle-eyed fans have noticed that Bill Rancic has changed over the years, both professionally and in terms of his looks. Is he just aging gracefully, or has he studied up on the secrets of plastic surgery? We asked Dr. Deniz Sarhaddi, M.D., an aesthetic plastic surgeon at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery, to weigh in on whether or not Rancic had any work done. Here’s what she had to say.

Bill Rancic has aged but seems to be maintaining his good looks

Many celebrities feel the pressure to look as young as possible, so it’s not surprising that many in the entertainment industry turn to — or at least consider — plastic surgery as an option to keep their looks fresh. Still, some celebrities eschew going under the knife and prefer to age naturally, and some of those are really good at it. That makes it hard to tell if they’ve had work done or if they are just committed to taking care of themselves.

In the case of Bill Rancic, Dr. Deniz Sarhaddi, M.D., an aesthetic plastic surgeon at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery, evaluated his face by comparing older images of the entrepreneur to newer ones. Her verdict? “Bill Rancic doesn’t look like he’s done any plastic surgeries,” Sarhaddi said, adding that the winner of the first season of “The Apprentice” seems to take very good care of himself. “He looks like he maintains his looks.” The plastic surgeon suggested that his wellness routine, coupled with his natural good looks, means that he’s aging gracefully. His blinding white teeth are more evidence that he takes pain to keep up appearances. “He is a good-looking guy with no major changes to his face suggesting plastic surgery,” Sarhaddi said. “He has good skin and he grew out his hair a bit.”

For his part, Rancic commented on his wife Giuliana Rancic’s Instagram post to put the speculation to rest. “My comedian wife put a filter on my face. No, I did not get a facelift but now I am considering one,” he wrote, adding a crying laughing emoji.

Bill and Giuliana Rancic have a lot in common, including a sense of humor

Bill Rancic seemed to take the speculation surrounding his appearance in his wife Giuliana Rancic’s Instagram post in stride, and his amusement at his wife’s use of a filter speaks to their comfortable relationship. The two started dating in 2004 after an on-air meet-cute moment, and Bill proposed just two years later. In 2017, the couple tied the knot during an island wedding on Capri in Italy. “I always say marriage and kids are the two things that will affect your life from that day on. So, you better make those decisions wisely,” Bill told ABC News in 2014, who shares a son, Duke Rancic, with Giuliana. “… And I can’t think of a better decision I’ve made since than marrying this amazing woman.”

In 2023, the couple spoke to Vegas Magazine about their connection and what makes their marriage work — and having a sense of humor was definitely on the list. “We have fun together,” said Giuliana. “We really make each other laugh, and I like to think we keep each other balanced.” According to Bill, that also applies to their working relationship. “One of the secrets to our successful marriage, as well as our business partnership, is that we think very much alike.”
