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Did Dave Portnoy Expose Connor Stalions in Documentary?

Did Dave Portnoy inadvertently reveal the identity of Connor Stalions in the newly released documentary about the Michigan sign-stealing controversy? It sure seems that way, although Portnoy himself doubts it.

Last week, Netflix unveiled a documentary titled “Untold: Sign Stealer,” which delves into the sign-stealing scandal involving Michigan. In the show, the former Michigan football staff member, Connor Stalions, denies breaking NCAA rules in his methods of sign-stealing for the Wolverines. However, a pivotal moment occurs when Stalions is questioned about whether he was physically present at a Central Michigan game to scout a future opponent, Michigan State.

Stalions told NCAA investigators that he couldn’t remember if he attended the game. But Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, a Michigan alumnus who was prominently featured in the documentary, stated otherwise. According to Portnoy, Stalions did attend the game and even told him so directly.

“Well, I know the answer to that because he told me,” Portnoy said confidently when asked about the Central Michigan-Michigan State game. “Yeah, that was Connor on the sidelines.”

Portnoy later addressed the comments he made in the documentary. Speaking with Barstool Sports personality “Big Cat,” he explained that the documentary was heavily edited. He revealed that he had responded affirmatively to nearly every question asked about Stalions, aiming to portray Stalions as a larger-than-life, intimidating figure for opposing teams.

Despite Stalions’ denials, it appears the NCAA was convinced he was indeed on the sideline during that game.

Since then, Stalions has secured a new job in football, raising further intrigue into the situation.

Source: Larry Brown Sports