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Did This Reddit User From Montana Spoil the Ending of Yellowstone?

With local production of “Yellowstone” winding down, some local residents are saying “good riddance” to the hit TV show, even to the point of posting a big “spoiler” for the upcoming finale this fall.

I’m not going to go that deep, so if you’re a fan, you can read on and check out the link if you’re so inclined without the spoiler details. 

But the response to the Reddit post shows that a lot of people are happy to see the show move on.

A lot has been written (and said) about the hit Paramount show since it moved production to Western Montana following the initial season. Some have complained that it has led to an influx of out-of-staters buying trophy ranches. Others have pointed to the millions of dollars the production pumped into the Montana economy.

When the “Yellowstone” production crew came back to film the final episodes this summer, social media sites like Facebook were filled with complaints from locals objecting to road closures and running into other changes that upset their schedule.

But a post on the Missoula subreddit took that to a whole other level.

The 700-plus word post late last week by MysteriousGoalz was billed as “A final “eff” you to Yellowstone and its filming,” attacking the producers right at the neighborhood level.

The poster claims to live around the corner from a house being used for the filming on Beckwith and complains about ongoing parking conflicts. But “Goalz” says things reached a new level last week when the production crew set up massive lighting rigs and kept running “till past midnight,” keeping their 10-month-old baby awake and crying because of the light streaming through the window.

When they complained to the crew, they said they were “harassed” and told to leave to preserve the “narrative” of the “critically acclaimed show.”

The post goes on to quote a colleague who was an “extra” on the scene, sharing details which (may) be how the show ends.

Goalz writes, “No one would have bothered sharing this ‘secret scene’ had you treated everyone with some modicum of respect,” concluding the post by saying “Goodbye, do not return.”

In the numerous responses, others chime in to show support, criticize the show, and urge local government to more carefully review any similar productions in the future., writing about the post, notes the “PR nightmare” this might create for the showrunners, but says producers don’t have a way of removing the post.

Source: Reddit,