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Dimmu Borgir Member Departs Band After 24 Years in New Announcement

Guitarist Galder has announced his departure from the iconic black metal band Dimmu Borgir in a recent statement.

The news follows the group’s performance at the annual Dynamo Festival in the Netherlands and was shared on Galder’s social media channels.

“After almost 25 years of making music and playing with Dimmu Borgir, I have decided to leave the band,” he wrote, noting that the Dynamo set on August 17 was his final performance with the group.

Galder also discussed his future plans, including a renewed focus on his reactivated band.

“I have been thinking about this for years, and as many of you have been pointing out – it’s time for Old Man’s Child to get onstage again and finalize the new album,” he shared, adding, “I wish the best for the other members of the band moving forward.”

Anthrax and Pantera drummer Charlie Benante was among those who commented, praising Galder’s contributions to black metal.

“Wow… you brought so much talent to the band. I feel that we all need to do something new or old in your situation. I’m sure you will make beautiful music again. You were part of some of the best black metal music that ever was. Applause,” Benante enthused, accompanied by clapping hands emojis.

Galder joined Dimmu Borgir in 2000, a year after the release of Spiritual Black Dimensions. His first album with the band, 2001’s Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, along with its 2003 successor Death Cult Armageddon, are considered genre classics. These works helped black metal reach a broader audience, especially after Dimmu Borgir’s appearance at Ozzfest 2004.

Overall, Galder played on five full-length albums with the band, the most recent being 2018’s Eonian.

Galder’s Work on New Old Man’s Child Music

Formed in 1989 as Requiem before changing their name to Old Man’s Child, the Norwegian symphonic/melodic black metal group has always been driven by Galder’s vision. Sometimes the band has had a complete recording lineup, while during other periods, Galder has handled most of the work with the assistance of a session drummer and other contributors.

Currently, Old Man’s Child consists of a one-man lineup (Galder), and they have not performed live since May 2000. The band’s last full-length album, Slaves of the World, was released in 2009, capping off a strong six-album run.

Earlier this year, Galder shared some audio clips of new music he has been working on. He is also searching for a drummer who can comfortably play at 140 BPM (beats per minute). If you’re interested, perhaps consider reaching out to him!

Source: Galder’s Social Media, Dynamo Festival