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Discovery Has a Big Bang Theory Easter Egg Only Hardcore Fans Notice

In the "Choose Your Pain" episode of "Star Trek: Discovery", the franchise ventured into new territory by dropping its first F-bomb. This episode not only gave a nod to "The Big Bang Theory," but it also marked a significant evolution in the series’ approach to language. During a tense scene, as Captain Lorca remains captured, Michael Burnham, Tilly, and Stamets are engrossed in solving a dilemma involving the tardigrade, Ripper. Upon making a breakthrough, Tilly exclaims, "You guys, this is so fing cool!" She quickly worries about her slip, but Stamets reassures her by agreeing, "It is fing cool."

This instance is a landmark moment for "Star Trek," breaking from the tradition set by its predecessors. The reason behind this newfound freedom is "Discovery" being the first "Star Trek" series made for streaming platforms, which inherently allows for more flexibility with language. Back in the 1960s, when "Star Trek: The Original Series" aired, even the thought of showing a flushing toilet was scandalous, let alone using explicit language. Clearly, the landscape of television has changed dramatically in the 21st century.

Interestingly, "Star Trek: The Original Series" also had its own stance on language, albeit with a different focus. According to Kirsten Beyer, a writer for "Star Trek: Discovery," series creator Gene Roddenberry was keen on steering clear of any references to "God." His vision for the show included a society advanced beyond the concept of religion. However, despite societal advancements, the appeal of a timely curse word remains timeless. Even a character like Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory," who was notoriously against swearing, let slip a strategic "It’s on, b****" when the moment deemed it necessary.

This evolution in language use in "Star Trek: Discovery" is a notable reflection of how science fiction mirrors societal changes. The franchise, known for its optimistic outlook on the future and progressive values, adapts its storytelling to remain relatable and engaging to contemporary audiences. The inclusion of modern vernacular, including profanity, is part of its strategy to depict a realistic and relatable future.

In this new era for "Star Trek," language isn’t the only thing that’s evolving. The series continues to explore complex themes, inclusive stories, and diverse characters, pushing boundaries not just in terms of language but also in representation and narrative depth. As the medium of storytelling changes with the rise of streaming services, so too does the content, and "Star Trek: Discovery" is at the forefront of this evolution.

The decision to incorporate stronger language also brings a sense of authenticity to the script, allowing characters to express themselves in a manner that feels genuine and believable. This shift might attract a new demographic of viewers who appreciate a more realistic portrayal of characters under stress, solving problems, and interacting with one another.

In conclusion, the "Choose Your Pain" episode of "Star Trek: Discovery" showcases a pivotal moment in the franchise’s history. The use of strong language signifies a broader trend of adopting contemporary standards in storytelling. While it may be jarring to longtime fans who are accustomed to the franchise’s more reserved language, it nevertheless reflects the continuous evolution of "Star Trek" as it aims to stay relevant and resonant with today’s audience.

Source: source names