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Doctors Warn of Dangerous Viral Jolly Rancher TikTok Trend

Doctors are alerting parents to a new candy-making trend on TikTok that is leading to hospital visits. This viral trend focuses on creating candy grapes, which involves coating grapes with melted Jolly Ranchers to form hard candy-coated fruit.

While the end result may seem appetizing, the process is fraught with danger due to the extremely high temperatures required to melt the candy. Medical professionals in Pennsylvania have recently seen burn victims tied to this trend. To melt hard candies like Jolly Ranchers, the temperature must reach 350 degrees Fahrenheit, significantly higher than the 212 degrees Fahrenheit needed to boil water.

Christina Blackstone, a mother, recounted to CBS News her harrowing experience when her 9-year-old son accidentally spilled melted Jolly Ranchers on his hand during a supervised attempt to make candy grapes. What was intended as a fun indoor activity turned hazardous when the molten candy landed on her son’s hand.

Blackstone instinctively tried to remove the hardening candy from her child’s hand. Doctors later informed her that this quick action likely prevented even more severe burns. Despite her efforts, her son suffered second-degree burns and had difficulties using his hand weeks after the incident.

Dr. Ariel Aballay, director of the burn unit at West Penn Hospital, shared that his team has treated four patients, including both adults and children, due to this trend within the last three weeks. He and other medical experts at Shriners Children’s Hospital in Boston are urging parents to exercise caution when dealing with extremely hot substances. Aballay explained that blisters are indicative of second-degree burns, while third-degree burns can result in nerve damage. In the event of a burn, it is recommended to place the affected area in lukewarm water instead of covering it with ice.

Source: CBS News, The Independent