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Does Queen Camilla Still Smoke? Her Reported Timeline of Quitting

Queen Camilla reportedly quit smoking in early 2001, not long after being publicly seen with Queen Elizabeth II for the first time. This event marked the royal family’s acceptance of King Charles III and Camilla’s relationship. While King Charles III’s aversion to smoking may have influenced her decision, it was Camilla’s struggle with allergic rhinitis that ultimately persuaded her to stop, according to a report by the Daily Mail.

Camilla suffered from persistent symptoms that she found unbearable. “She had a persistent cough which she couldn’t shake off,” a friend mentioned. Although the cough was not directly linked to her smoking, she saw it as an opportune moment to quit. Her resolve to stop smoking was strengthened by a trip to the Himalayas earlier that year, accompanied by the controversial healer Mosaraf Ali. “She’s been trying to give up for as long as I have known her but this time she’s given up for good,” her friend added.

Despite these claims, another source suggested that Camilla did not fully give up cigarettes at that time. “She cut it back to three a day and never touched one before 6 p.m.,” an insider told the Daily Mail in 2015. However, this source stated that she did entirely quit smoking that year. “Gradually, she found the cravings subsided and was able to go without any.” As with many things related to the royal family, pinpointing the exact timeline of her quitting smoking is difficult.

Source: Daily Mail