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Don’t Miss “Prime Time Romance” – The Ultimate Rom-Com!

When it comes to teen dramas, everyone has their favorite, but Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb takes it to an entirely new level.

You might recognize the author from her debut novel, This Spells Love. While I didn’t pick up her first book, I was immediately intrigued by Prime Time Romance.

As someone who grew up on the teen dramas of the ’00s, the pitch was spot-on, and from there, I was hooked. That’s basically how we all feel when we get invested in those shows; once caught, we just can’t seem to stop watching.

Thanks to Dial Press, I had the pleasure of receiving an ARC and delving into the story early, allowing me to share my insights with all of you.

The story revolves around Brynn, a 30-year-old who is divorced and trying to navigate her new life. One night, she finds herself at a bar with friends and bumps into her handsome roommate, Josh. Although they aren’t particularly close, it’s evident there’s a friendly bond between them. Being a gentleman, Josh accompanies Brynn home, not wanting her to be alone.

Once at home, Brynn queues up her favorite show, Carson’s Cove, a small-town teen drama. However, the show never received the ending it deserved. After making a birthday wish, Brynn and Josh find themselves transported to Carson’s Cove as characters Sloane and Fletch, which initially feels like a dream come true.

Soon, Brynn realizes she is living the life of her favorite TV character, but not everything is as it seems. What she believed to be true isn’t, and events don’t unfold as she imagined they would in the series. Added to this chaos is the undeniable chemistry between her and Josh, making Brynn’s situation as chaotic as Sloane’s.

Both are dealing with personal issues. Brynn struggles with her divorce and the idea of finding love again. Meanwhile, Josh is wrestling with the failure of saving his father’s business and the grief of losing his father. These real-world issues are amplified by their new life in Carson’s Cove, bringing their ignored problems into sharp focus.

Being a romance, Prime Time Romance ensures resolutions that the original show’s finale lacked. Out of the numerous books I’ve read this year, this one felt like a refreshing breeze. It was delightful to see the author pay homage to those nostalgic shows while also poking fun at them and creating her own. Honestly, if Prime Time Romance were to become a TV series, I’d definitely watch it. But that’s a discussion for another time.

Kate Robb is doing remarkable things in the romance genre, and I eagerly look forward to reading This Spells Love and seeing what she comes up with next. If you haven’t picked up this book yet, you’re truly missing out.

Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb is available now wherever books are sold.

Source: Culturess