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Drew Carey Reveals Major Blunder on ‘Price Is Right’ Show

Drew Carey has always been candid about his mistakes. Recently, on his popular game show, The Price is Right, Carey shared an incident where he made a significant error. This mistake almost deprived a contestant of a major win, but fortunately, Carey corrected himself in time, avoiding what could have been a disappointing outcome for the player.

Here is how Carey recounted the incident that could have dampened one player’s victory.

During the summer hiatus, the Instagram account for The Price is Right has been posting some nostalgic clips. One such clip, shared on a Thursday, highlighted a moment when Drew Carey nearly made a costly error. Thankfully, he realized his mistake just in time.

Drew Carey
Drew Carey

A contestant named Joseph was participating in the Dice Game. In this game, players roll dice, and if they roll a 2, 3, 4, or 5, Carey places it on the board. If the number is correct, it appears; if not, the contestant must guess whether it should be higher or lower. A correct guess reveals the number; an incorrect one does not.

If the dice lands on 1 or 6, it’s an instant win for that number since it needs to be either lower than 6 or higher than 1. Joseph rolled a three and guessed higher. He then rolled a two and made the same guess. He rolled a six next, meaning he didn’t need to guess since it had to be lower. For his final roll, he rolled a two and guessed higher.

The prize at stake was a new car. When Drew proceeded to the board, he started with the six and incorrectly announced the guess was higher. A four appeared, and Carey realized his blunder, saying, “I’m sorry lower than a six.” Admitting his fault and attributing it to a lack of coffee, Drew corrected himself. The subsequent guesses were all correct, and Joseph won the car.

The Dice Game had another memorable moment last season. This game has a unique aspect where rolling a one or a six means an automatic win, eliminating the need to guess. This led to an extraordinary turn of events for another contestant named Devon.

Devon rolled a 6, another 6, a 1, and one more 6. This perfect sequence meant he never had to make a single guess and won the car effortlessly.

What do you think about Drew Carey’s near-blunder on The Price is Right? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Source: Internet