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Elon Musk asks X staff for one-page achievement summaries for stock options
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has informed employees that they are required to work “long hours at a high intensity” since taking over Twitter, now known as X. Those unwilling to comply have been told to consider leaving.

Since Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter in 2022, the working environment has transformed drastically, becoming what many describe as “extremely hardcore.” Employees are now being asked to justify their roles in order to secure stock options, according to reports.

In a recent email to staff, Musk stated that stock options would be allocated based on individual contributions. Employees are required to provide a one-page summary detailing their impact on the company to qualify for these rewards. Reports indicate that workers are still waiting for their annual equity refresher that was due in April.

This development follows nearly two years after Musk’s infamous ultimatum to his employees. In a late-night correspondence, he made it clear that they would need to commit to “long hours at a high intensity” and embrace an “extremely hardcore” approach. Those unwilling to meet these expectations were advised to leave the company.

Approximately half of the workforce opted to leave at that time, and those who remained have since experienced the reality of Musk’s demands. Former workers have shared their experiences of being compelled to sleep in the office just to meet what they referred to as “impossible” deadlines. Musk himself has posted images on social media showing engineers laboring late into the night.

Among the current staff, some have humorously mentioned monitoring their heart rates on their Apple Watches during the intense rollout of Musk’s X paid subscription service. This indicates the extreme pressure under which employees are functioning.

Additionally, the company is planning to shift its headquarters to Texas while closing its San Francisco office. However, X CEO Linda Yaccarino has reassured employees that there will still be a presence in the Bay Area through a partnership with xAI, located in Palo Alto.

In a critical post on social media, former Uber and Skype engineer Gergely Orosz characterized X as “the definition of a ruthless workplace.” He remarked on the expectations placed on employees, highlighting how they are pushed to their limits with demands that surpass those of most other tech firms, yet still have to prove they deserve their compensation.

Musk’s management style has sparked conversations about workplace culture in the tech industry. Many are questioning the sustainability of such a rigorous working model, especially given the emphasis on justifying contributions and the stringent pressure to perform. The feedback from employees and former staff indicates a challenging environment that could lead to burnout or high turnover rates.

As X continues to navigate these changes, the culture promoted by Musk’s leadership will play a critical role in shaping the future of the company. The push for high performance and accountability has already had a palpable effect on morale and employee retention, sparking discussions about what balance is necessary in creating a productive yet healthy work environment.

While X has not publicly responded to inquiries regarding this new policy, the expectation for employees to continuously prove their value reflects a significant shift in corporate culture under Musk’s reign.

Source: The Verge