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Elon Musk Tried to Board the Trump Bus But Got Run Over Instead

No one has tarnished their reputation in service of Donald Trump quite like Elon Musk. Musk began shedding his image as a benevolent billionaire when he purchased Twitter, transforming it into a platform more aligned with the alt-right. His recent conversation with Trump, which took place on Monday, has made this transformation even more pronounced. The persona of Musk as a champion of humanity and free speech has seemingly vanished, replaced by the image of someone who is willing to debase himself in the political arena for the sake of wealth.

Musk is not the only wealthy individual to have been swept up by Trump. Many billionaires have contributed massive amounts to Trump’s campaigns. However, they often do not allow themselves to be publicly belittled by him. Those who enter Trump’s orbit, often seeking some form of collaboration or recognition, tend to find themselves diminished. Musk, perhaps, has taken the initiative to avoid such degradation. After observing Trump’s pattern of overpowering others, it seems Musk mistakenly believed he could engage with Trump on friendly terms.

During the introduction of Trump on X, Musk claimed he sought to give Americans a chance to know the former president better—an assertion that disregards Trump’s long-standing presence in the political landscape. Year after year, Trump has maintained a visible role, making it hard to believe that anyone would need a fresh perspective on him. Furthermore, Musk posited that the conversation would offer Trump a “safe environment” to speak, as though Trump didn’t regularly hold two-hour, free-form rallies.

In 2015, many may have been curious about Trump’s values, but nearly a decade later, it’s safe to say that Americans are well aware of where he stands. Even other supporters of Trump’s campaign have expressed confusion over why they are funding a candidate who is already so well-defined. Enter Musk, who approaches politics with a reckless disregard reminiscent of crypto enthusiasts, attempting to redefine a space that has already been firmly established.

The execution of Musk’s event was riddled with technical failures, delaying the conversation with Trump for 45 minutes. When the discussion finally began, Musk’s reputation faced serious harm. Throughout the two-hour, seven-minute conversation, Trump repeatedly trampled on Musk’s core values, which Musk has claimed to uphold. When Trump minimized the climate crisis, suggesting it had positive aspects—such as more oceanfront properties—Musk offered a meek “OK.” You would expect someone who has previously advocated for climate action to challenge such ideas. However, Musk instead cautioned listeners against demonizing the oil and gas industries and suggested that the climate issue could wait.

After enduring around an hour and a half of Trump’s rants, Musk finally ventured a weak defense of climate reality. He found himself outmatched through the conversation, which led him into bizarre tangents where he praised Trump for allowing press freedom during his presidential term—implying a president grants such rights at his discretion. Musk’s remarks revealed his erratic positions, including a newfound support for nuclear energy, justified with a confusing analogy about the resilience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after their bombings. Trump, appearing indifferent, simply responded with boredom.

The discussion seemed geared towards Musk seeking Trump’s endorsement for deregulation policies that would favor his businesses while retaining substantial government subsidies. Musk has been candid about his desire to dismantle climate regulations that could incentivize large automakers to produce electric vehicles, thereby solidifying Tesla’s market dominance. Yet, when Musk attempted to draw Trump’s endorsement for his agenda during the talk, he faced a disregard that highlighted his powerlessness.

This appearance did not reflect the type of influential presence one would expect from someone who claims to prioritize saving humanity. Musk’s detached intellectualism has now reached a wider audience thanks to his alliance with Trump. His values, when aligned with policy, equate to supporting a candidate who disdains a free press and champions resource extraction. Musk, who once spoke urgently about the climate crisis, appears to have shifted his priorities when aligning himself with Trump. While many affluent individuals supporting Trump do so out of clear self-interest, Musk’s motivations have now come under scrutiny, leading observers to question if he ever truly diverged from that path.

Further complicating matters, Musk’s attempts to enter political activism have also faltered, reflected in his efforts to establish a super PAC aimed at registering new voters to support Trump. Reports indicate these initiatives are failing to gain traction. The PAC, which Musk envisioned would facilitate the registration of 800,000 voters, now appears ineffective, with reports suggesting it has not even mailed out registration forms.

Musk’s previous lapses in judgment have also left him open to ridicule. His recent controversies highlight the shortcomings of someone who possesses immense wealth but lacks the ability to wield real political influence. This performance in the political arena contrasts starkly with the image of a powerful billionaire striving for social and economic change. In an era where he engages with significant figures like Maduro, his influence seems diminished rather than amplified. Ultimately, Musk’s recent activities reveal a troubling juxtaposition: despite his wealth and aspirations, true political power continues to elude him.

Source: Business Insider