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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Embracing E-Books: Discovering the Joy of Reading

As a child, I loved to read. But as I grew older, my increasing responsibilities with work, extracurricular activities, and school prevented me from reading during my own time.

For the past year, I committed to reading more, but it wasn’t successful. I found holding a physical book too cumbersome. So, I switched to reading PDFs on my phone. However, I would frequently get distracted by social media.

Recently, I stumbled upon the idea of using an e-reader, which has significantly improved my reading habits. Now, reading has become an essential part of my weekly routine.

In just one month, I’ve already read 11 volumes of “One Piece” and explored various other novels. Books allow me to process the content at my own pace, which motivates me to keep coming back to them.

When I find a topic I’m interested in, I often feel unsatisfied with video essays or podcasts. Reading offers more information than other forms of media. It helps me learn more about my interests and experience stories in a more personal way.

Source: original source names