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Eret Confirms Leaked Messages Defending Partner Ava Kris Tyson Are Theirs

Ava Kris Tyson’s partner, Eret, has confirmed that leaked messages defending her are indeed theirs and apologized to someone believed to be Tyson’s ex-assistant, dismissing claims that Tyson sexually assaulted them. Tyson stands accused of grooming a minor, allegations both she and the minor have denied.

MrBeast indicated that he had “seen enough online” and decided to remove Ava from his company and any association with his channel. He also mentioned that a third-party investigation would be conducted.

In a public Discord server update to their staff, Eret addressed the allegations and Tyson’s public response, as well as additional claims made by an ex-assistant named Jess, also known as Mooskina, against Tyson.

Eret confirmed that the leaked messages were sent by them. In these messages, Eret expressed disgust over past behaviors and stated, “Ava and I are both disgusted by the person she used to be. I will go into detail on points, but I need you to know that I would not be dating someone who would behave in the way 2016-18 Ava did.”

Eret mentioned that Ava made inappropriate jokes, some of which were sexual in nature, and at the time, she did not know that a minor named Lava was underage. Although Eret emphasized that this does not excuse the behavior, they hoped it would help show that Ava’s actions were not intentionally harmful.

Lava, the minor involved, stated that he did not consider himself a grooming victim but strongly condemned the messages and conversations that should not have occurred with him or any other minor. Eret acknowledged that they were behind Tyson’s public response to the allegations, explaining, “I was the one who had to post Ava’s terrible first apology tweet as I had changed the password to Ava’s Twitter to help her quit it. Ava would have had no support if it wasn’t for me physically being there.”

Eret mentioned that proper third-party investigations are being conducted and expressed hope that the findings will be shared on official MrBeast social media platforms.

Eret also addressed Jess’s claims of sexual assault against Tyson. Jess alleged that Ava pressured her into sexual activities on several occasions. According to Eret, Jess had professed her love to Tyson several times, to which Tyson responded that she saw Jess as a sister with no romantic intentions.

Eret expressed skepticism about Jess’s accusations, saying, “I am honestly not sure how Jess expects to get away with so many falsehoods in the long run, she provided little evidence and left out anything that made herself look bad.”

The situation escalated when Jess lashed out on Twitter, accusing Eret of lying and presenting a biased version of events. Jess maintained that everything she said was true and that she had evidence and witnesses to back it up, denying any intention of seeking compensation.

Jess later shared another tweet featuring a message from Eret apologizing for their earlier missteps. Eret admitted, “I thought I had a deeper understanding of the situation than I did. I should have made sure I got all the facts right and reached out to you.” They added that they acted under stress, burnout, and lack of sleep, but emphasized that there was no malicious intent.

Jess acknowledged Eret’s apology and the effort to “make things right,” stating, “I appreciate the apology and the short conversation we had. All I ever want from the people who have wronged me, is an apology and acknowledgment. Eret is a good person, who was in a very difficult position. I hope people can forgive them, just like I have, and move on.”

Source: Dexerto